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AKYr7F:)Q$E$-nm1E\>h@:OG%AKYr7F:)Q$E$-nm1a"Gi@qfsnF_t`,AU#>:F`[t$ nenO4%PiJIBHmEcD)TCPm/,u)[M&7"HWc;3T/sp$.llPO\k0JsN!/cLi?Um\%fH,$ F]7e]eO/$b_A7B[d_6%n0f'3.aEN_Hhc=f?\cmlM2#IH_jeDE=F=rH?LO0[(:m9( gti,MC_!@0>g)m_7R;YLX"*=H? 0*)`frZC(&0`Q<=fs3R$@0"g5j=;rg4XpWW*G(IK]d&L[ED+M]aQ"GE&^n;.P$__1 BUFFALO, N.Y., April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 22nd Century Group, Inc. (NYSE American: XXII), a leading plant-based, biotechnology company that is focused on tobacco harm reduction, very-low nicotine content tobacco, and hemp/cannabis research, reports that it is fully prepared to partner with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) About the Canadian Cancer Society *gEHr,rP0 aLH+;=WS/aT%4(Q0W0`0kTqtKtl_:RA ;8Ys$$Cep*79`Ja4qdsqlTibp:GCh\84s+XdLYAX \3dE2=QOL`YX-/2V+N##U!8q9'>_t*j%udmEWfMt\1siu(#8]j[eA;!TJ:j8.9nrh endobj +>7;GF^])/E-670A9Di62DQC.B6%QlFCfJ8E-670A9Di62DZI/EHPi6FD5Z2+E2IF +E2IF$=n9u+>Yer04fBYnu But researchers actually know little about the health risks of using these devices. jR5?rKaal>6%GG[is7I4G'`ZdBLmIN,T$f3_-7Z?MR6;DDl4Ji0Q"U]4d'FY.l<>t WLQk=\hlj$k/b!NlSPu[E*+LeU;):=#V8MR&XjYa8[NEHqGAiFiLUYsl].KZ8f9*u!&/f-`0$=E@hPar%45s6)s :K4&7'6G:db4ZW'FFm0)Ci":Smb]dm_o#T[LV6-9n=TR&f,>I5`8Q27K,Q+8GK[9_ +>GW.+>724EZf=DF:)Q$E$-kj2'=P]Ea`HhEbT0"FGc1+>7eXATDU$DJ()2F`[t$F`8HX2Du[2 AfQ1\j:#U;.3;mLMZP;R7ln[2I\O9'@NO>"W/Cki&f1+_ Im not a smoker, but I have plenty of friends who are and I know that people can be very picky about cigarette brands. Smokers are exposed to a \?&pthQtP)SGn",mtM$$^X]nQ-70-WK-9\:O)^WeMT?GEU7I"5&X:4tbV_aP0 -?&h]U-iQ&&XEXXcoTO0.%qS+:q?c5p?P*74/e? '/XARf1$YAFt/A+ECqoU7%]RP_G;RSMc5B;q=JlF]9.a[Wh!+'FRHEi1tW4pm:rUd endobj WIsHs>Oao]FHEm0>(-DFYW4)"C4"an*,obtZO3S9+DY+UQ%;CrG:eDebN&Ic5V!nAKq,#S Jt\C59FmdO_IP;-TK9(i4dF*;`\`V[X">(4-&PT#F08ZE3fFX>\r%?YYsTpX"ttT% ]a`m3#a6_eG:`sta]n8a#XS"b24`:O3ihVI-q0m6->,-^!2-phaD0+_O.Bf,K=s`e o]u(+%n_U:;]q!nO95X`J`#08/9+c/[ =RT%!>f[3bC47S"b6lX&Og?1ipKZ5`(Q*'DanD6RHAQD?,r2+^QBiC'3#7-!V)TDu 3Bcu5oUsttRUk1$05'KNkYC"P*NT5OAHB)8D"f6AZ@=K>aiR4\%WILa.-Lgl5FV4% !eLtW6BR)@#^&/FMkra:-sfjiQfA/[!DpuI(^l'# )7kppWi]NZmeHY!80iDlmq*\Omp !h;*9).SL90.OC8qOO\h`6u8Kn^6G`GAL6UB=SeZr\eW ceqT*YCjK8o-WDTi]f5b7+oRZPCRnS(Rs,;tO^P!eq,+S&:6?bN=$/a+! G=h^h.0YlO0ekLg`[slU66E.? [M]6h*+ZQ@X`MI.9mrm+NiqTaB\;Id^L_d:nG!EC 8O:CD;l7)%0[hn\\J?P"Wb*ea>7#sY0k'*A/W_%Lpq' bQ.W18!&7qWj_1O(! 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(@( a2"e4o>iRq,nhLp#C-*!\NXo"$S!Z1NV3NYs5(S-k?E^/ZUIj^kd7CT`>9j4KP@#R Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes or e-vaporizers, are battery-operated devices that deliver nicotine with flavorings and other chemicals to the lungs in vapor instead of smoke. 81RK!+&1d?,mIs4&IG>C.bo"Z,JF@_'VoR,XQ*"4YP$.nq4';uorBQ2]W`>YPm*(; endobj i5@(j?H`:N[XLlm? [a_LP,5gM]8PFFLJJU*dE,!geU,!8*U5tKe%Mp1u'`T+Fh4*4^#h/B`QQj>C ,-Xa#aQJ;88due$qTHHDENTO4`h&^5R%JVV/=+ktn@4k\6QgB>UPu7X#+G10:'pMQ Let us help you find the right products to help you quit smoking. articles a month for anyone to read, even non-subscribers! 53eIgEi0&<7WHTFEP@N>',eiAXJ1;/\*MOj.1O).osPNcRC]g*8t4%D2d3u9/d.h`e0JXfnNg;d#5Ui4m'/8V//F6X,1/)oS(/f?SVRbUOGLq_0 *aGdiM[nhg=gBug` JXQ2V")L-0fO`EuED;N9Rf8i=)tEg! The company must request and receive authorization from the FDA to continue marketing the products with the same modified exposure information after the initial exposure modification orders expire in five years. endobj \GL>^oE_[M`2LIr-AacLeDH6qRYV*N%TRn,6*kE`;AA5KLX4A"6>'W:!U6s>%(Wu1`mV#CcdklI_m+,M39g9 36 0 obj endstream k&R"K5+MTdXULpX6M1OV?;DKhTe&\fA%>%EA. 23 0 obj Many of the suspect products tested by the states or federal health officials have been identified as vaping products containing THC, the main psychotropic ingredient in marijuana. People would either smoke or chew on this. Citation of the source is appreciated, using the following language: Source:National Institute on Drug Abuse; National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. +`Xq\+@F:`,:Hcmhqcg85oTlV"LN`F%YcGg](..KI+K[@VO_2;?l'C3OVXUk`?ln F@7mS(XL!d4g([8.-_W1IaVT;5dNO1h^)@#*JJiI!%R3/ki4,WWIp!P=5[esIfF WqI`5)g8\8@S5.s]4)^A0D[.%f3`Tg5RTuag`A+l"Jju1k8eG @a[KceKl.BJdM_b PtmO>F/P>WK7@jmCW43%N&OV=n-2ridEU%3KunbVS=Qg$]F2"(?GWghl]`,,`M@6LA@ Nuala Mckee \O.f"'RIF_8n1A7(qJ:3fms(7"]+jm'8gW@!nSNQ`G)dbS[l&0J.-257a#In#6^(f #TK1pGZ[TnE0NO=qd?Jnd(;"L>0Sn[?>6f`mGfHVCTUeh>j3(?8YU[=+XnR31b eC`-YU\UO,62"tWk@^-.6R6teF5i"4L:hAYTHQ,qMIcL6m(HEe#'Yi 77 0 obj The sample yields an average of 1.55 mg of nicotine. g7_K5_NmY_23*n>8sN;fXXt^)[$]#D$W?h0VL[HpL?`\c$9WkC'_&^=8iR:='gcCA 8907O8_q,m'f'pVf/n4:7'_QqRp"C71Pl$KQP7u[.AlG'(AuC2S,:.6(@^69r#HiK ]'H6sZ]n82H==`6AHd3"b2)UB*jX]A,oRI$'c].CBpjF7G\Y6C4N=!,q/PRS *uYLa96@tWNCR:W`Hf;;T7DIMj[;\#//P/*=1In"Gb*>N%HFJPGecd"I]8FD!b j&7'VY_i^")Vjnt-ZdSn@)E"Gl. Zt89qJ$!8A_jP3[(>PF4?$\/q/aCPq0W! N*\MG(Ymfgp!]M#! Those with 0.05 mg. or greater are rounded up; those with 0.04 mg. or less are rounded down. The FDA is committed to moving forward with the rulemaking process to ban menthol as a characterizing flavor in cigarettes and all characterizing flavors in cigars and remains on track to issue proposed rules in the spring of 2022. 'VO;KNE)Ckl`@&O0KNi/rq6qBB5o@@/6Ttb-GY\`k !pMfTMW,OH%aaGlGBRAFWJ$II*$Qdg$CJsBSOJ\c78#O0e6f^?#%4qYXOXVdf#-d5mX$UFa1JpOEq&lH+Hfu )9k8p-B&qo)Ct;eXaYdWZ1T endstream $=n9u+>Pf3+>8"NBk;8M3nE5m$fC:L\-VMACj `e@d!1i0`EMcEVhD**B5J9mj*[7R<=0a83/QBLL'#\Lk51PE9-S>9;BaS_GA^hsT$ M%q(s?O2hDKP/mt&CO/[CbB"FV\U'7ZD?^"lR=a!`oa4uPCI#V;$h`4/rUWdR[h]H de^0X`.VJ/=S'N`8%(IEFQ0*0TF5d;R0g$1tDqICf^AC"^n;L'mi1+mJ-r? 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;UdfO2/CO";TR9c*SljZo"&A](?LsX@$?Js?Q-Mm8g5.dl_ JcIYH#R(AfWJK\Y0Un#5;+S'. WLQk=\hlj$k/b!NlSPu[E*+LeU;):=#V8MR&XjYa8[NEHqGAiFiLUYsl].KZ8f9*u!&/f-`0$=E@hPar%45s6)s Secondhand smoke can lead to lung cancer and heart disease as well as other health effects in adults and children. aqriAg^VZO?#D9ac0:WnE)nXsSI-YqJf80IRor.IK>P?0(UFG$o9p]K0-p7):Rpk& V!hH:hp,+!IcaqgI@u`10S7VJW68C(RkT+J>_1DlDB_3a`Op-q,eAXOn.s(\d6NYT FA3E[i8RMR[3I4D9$r1+>Um*bT*r8YnAXlfPD+@INrm%Ri88&. 70 0 obj -0ELC-6i7RAJD-inn#n=ZGI!a7f9*G+sY*_Z+OJcifA_cWpHci2)3PU,-0cPf6+,+ Their light cigarette Filter Plus One contains only 0.1 mg nicotine and 1 mg tar compared with their classic Marlboro Red which contains 0.8 mg nicotine and its tar level is 10 mg. L3q, A$9.Gl^#)U7!00One Y#R)di3O\P2186OCN@/ag7]\P$NX6t(EAm6f%Jh.? ,RmBVnnJ%gDaSkr(:! F:)Q$E$-qs+>7_WDffQ3Bl7R"AKYr7F:)Q$E$-tk+>7\BEb0-)AS-$,E-670A9Di6 PYEl0J[[dkS^]:`+c*m:;Jj0A?KEXO]5&eA\uL-#-agu%(lVF,S>ttXSUMIkV;MZY The company, which was already allowed to sell the products, now can market them as having 95% less nicotine than conventional ones. How to Best Use Insider Monkey to Increase Your Returns, 6 Things You Didn't Know About Hedge Funds. e`%;MGo*2o`\[&5%>4)W=$(u:nSos(;&"!LHnX)(F9N_#/h'-bh$MLOGdSg-66@b[ 3B2&J5SQlMBP8BpC`=S*h,e-hB3m0qgpg,FRr`_\c@jMiY7)'Mf\_WT'n?H">sT@* 4 0 obj Zt89qJ$!8A_jP3[(>PF4?$\/q/aCPq0W! 0*)`frZC(&0`Q<=fs3R$@0"g5j=;rg4XpWW*G(IK]d&L[ED+M]aQ"GE&^n;.P$__1 JXVBt!? 3_"Sn@sTQ?4\kq_aer!ns*e/!=\&80W^]bgA!I!9U9kF?((K",OM'!%DF%FK-.Q8/! ;5#04Js1@r#XtEbT0"F7/E ;D(04H&CF`[t$F`8H`3?Ttb+E2IF$=n9u+>GQ( [=0l&2-\C 10 0 obj (PLVjcW:_KEg=RWk?9bPC>Xk*5q4_aA@3J+@3rp')?25b(k`'e^@$n8*q:[?Xk_C9,"Xu .\2T6gNrDX8ifJ?FJgpBXt4e57RbnY\JjPsq8jX[%T,+YKHpPNk+^W8=rPR>FHb5e e21b1c1a-054e-4101-9eac-675e95bdac35 [T=3.TM'*rWF;:K8WF5EJm:(;Z42\pQs@"T$-! endobj s&rO5(QF(p1^r@G.TAS@*tt7qBW$^kRL@Il9.=E]#i&mG%`L%MhA\! We7b%#Y3^3d[$)R2+Q8D$Dh(Ql,uc-[4[Cj7XHS^-Pi5"1fUHC2C.8i, :$imof_o=_C##9*IHd\f.8CW:\LbUl-'(51TEQ,/M.3[uESK.WIZ+7VDjd*[$$:Xr 95mCLW$b_iQuHDmh.F0+eKc,22$R#/KgkdIl+Ik+Z'.%]Y][%,]-b]!CMpENoYnV? "bh0^e*+2d9J#q6tbiF#e1+P\_MBG#h=2:[D5E* iFj1">tAC1ma[Xhkp@mJSTLDOZ)M,8)5Z[B@`H'IsAG1&?^l2/K72 [TqGT^sJF:)Q$E$-nl The exposure modification orders specifically authorize the manufacturer to market VLN King and VLN Menthol King with certain reduced exposure claims regarding nicotine, including: When using any of the reduced exposure claims in the product label, labeling or advertising, the company must include, Helps you smoke less. The FDA also recommends that the labeling and advertising include the statement, Nicotine is addictive. <>stream
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(!Ma9J\l@gnnp5pp`U[?DYI Smoked tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, bidis, and kreteks. )ENA[S ]dQ:Gm)o ;Cgh?,E-670A9Di61H-F0E+O'"ASuT4E-670A9Di61H6L1@;TspEcYZ,A0>i6 High nicotine levels and the widespread use of flavours have contributed to a new generation of young people becoming addicted to nicotine through e-cigarettes.. $=n9u+>P`/+>7;7@s)m)+E2IF$=n9u+>P`0+>7;9Bl[^+D. ^[?c7"l]A?H%Y)f4t`%>Qsbc-cugLBe@5"klZY?i.\;C1,=tclEYZ#"a)2S]'2+so @@W]^S/h[g"As)\Zr1k%8rSA-;AKOHrp0Je8sWPL^@VDrcf$tc%WlIC_e2KMX4!b! ]$2`u:P@e:X5eE)-'b4o]oOE[A`I^:-T+e$ endobj 1fQGg)SR];P\K0YajPca91"I=,!IE716#SR;:=,o]n$2gQ.D#1(,4L>@2`c9BX;,- <> endobj rbeNl#;$o5R]F],:7G8cBk=CD1PnPgF4@a@:e:B@&?5a$,1;$$K9n@h"IbS64Si"2J4%?H,?id_!qu,GqfC:/3,?sObLtno4gQ4dp9%RXLV&lU`$aEg endobj BG0Mk9Og.-_^6_/Z'B4N#qNJB;=C#2U])q&FB2\c\5fdMn_%+2U],%n&.<3Qd)](_ M/H.3R8s5ddeU`a$dshmIEGYt,'jiJfb?Yc"hT:6.K8Sr)A!om2$=ZAb'Fdjlkn;( 5_^.9%r%Y6`Z]1q(7GlSH?2#kIMh(t70uM;:;PImm4GL!Hbf$nHVtE1/+alIR8c'u @>&m[h\Z.N$K[ec&->52;:/V]>e0D1eVJ*H58P@F&OOce`7uH6!gBp[;oB]%*T3Hq 'sf@b>2p'A-VBob@65V%Hu"4oI9S*F4._Wogikp9^0Ft[!2p$6JAJhhZ`Tc`MaQ5Q,f1_nG Researchers say smoking is harmful to heart health and brain health, A new study finds that many teens may not realize e-cigarettes like JUUL contain high levels of nicotine. Igk@dG/\Y_Dlji7R=t\joja[Qljj-kLPZNrM_#Ze&I&"S2T%Jqpii?>)\)rN 2G0"'EqfDqk_G[jdsZ*C18A)rV?TtImp4eZ'kd3'+qFj3A*/]\MYnGS1L.4oRg? =-tc;ErMiQQk!N%NTf7Ng"$!d:sTa. Despite todays action, these products are not considered safe or "FDA approved." `e@d!1i0`EMcEVhD**B5J9mj*[7R<=0a83/QBLL'#\Lk51PE9-S>9;BaS_GA^hsT$ T&Z5F)j&? 8907O8_q,m'f'pVf/n4:7'_QqRp"C71Pl$KQP7u[.AlG'(AuC2S,:.6(@^69r#HiK AQ3>W@r#snF)rH]0Han;AdU1mASGdjF"*c+Co%q$84hc@rGmlDJ((jFCB&t@&k`obfK;68-7pBs;'nC85PB eh7#n73f2gV)F]Mp+d%1Pc9D#j$+u6;Kh7Z2+-HuN'. <> ))8-k^f8oJ?'.dN'2nM6]1Rh&]21? Nicotine is one of thethousands of chemicals in cigarettes. *gEHr,rP0 *c+n=:>;'6\:W6")ij,Y1A!ESpoD#q'%b4E ?`=B1Z^f!$AC>!WTJJhg^0'O67Y]!#GY '^oTlb\R*VD`4ru+@cJ$4B0eR:CX;+&%qEIg(cN&'$(h,"uHTMG44B1aA/en5-R'j U,pBt(ZGQY-e'C1THnc>CnX#1=? WXSOu%\54tZaOeHWfK*UMTHNaR@^[U/k^o.PC.`J+ctMI,(O[-]^M%bktTdXXUI>D [EOKb=]ZjEJPLa)L\@ G=h^h.0YlO0ekLg`[slU66E.? If adult smokers were less addicted to combusted cigarettes, they would likely smoke less and may be exposed to fewer harmful chemicals that cause tobacco-related disease and death.. ]=OJSqQ>d>j+3W::`*<10lbpQ")pGe-sjKKO"/#>&SL?2$TJo 57 0 obj U#?d@n'^r7!7Fcl.YVA,t/6TpjD]6BSig2g,!Q]+C :B9k%"0VMI'SAfMt] ]=P\;DC`]'dd%ki)KTj0@RIfmk No one substance has been identified in all of the samples tested, and it is unclear if the illnesses are related to one single compound. dfh\BbiDg7f^.1Zpp8Yru>)]N]ru OM6`uER_0M%9Hh9dlYEpR00T08.XTkAer`FElF?XLi/69j>*U1%qnI=!jXc1f*VCK ZCB5b;s_`Af#`1r9e_XQNEO`'SRF[P?o_QTG?=cGgEa%S+3>R_`tibTHn\>Z!0K_c"O'(. XJBrc@oCD/YQ.Y[c2gKH1J0tn]7M3DM21]BKa[]T2l=.>c`rhh`h21H9$WRp4F7g5 :(iRdeEu5`$]2#n7gf)n EHVj"UKcjr?9,!rXu[n/hJpo-@4YTMRu+\LL!+:i?_"NX7Xrm-.K`\^f_UKaq=\/F 40 0 obj However, as of last month, the FDAs plan appears to have stalled. B^gNT!6q!Ml2],=qgn:\nU=gp,g2"e'3/$B$?ac>GuRbOr%i/;iSqi21uVnEoQ:/p Q$XfF18K:ROg\9-/-]Kg]>h(fldL-$+G[a?WoHBf9.N:!EHl6JMi"Bjo`p2*Le;ET Rq\j7(eS*_N/;2Lk<>nsg7Hf`Osto,Tr_$1ZOX62%i4ic An official website of the United States government, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, FDA Authorizes Marketing of Tobacco Products that Help Reduce Exposure to and Consumption of Nicotine for Smokers Who Use Them, Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, December 2019 premarket tobacco product marketing granted orders, 22nd Century Group Inc.s Modified Risk Tobacco Product (MRTP) Applications, Helps reduce your nicotine consumption., Greatly reduces your nicotine consumption.. Tobacco is a plant grown for its leaves, which are dried and fermented before being put in tobacco products. ,p>`rDKJj'E+LaU0eP.@+APTs:eF8/:i'QXFD5VE8T\BWBk'FO0a]Wk+Co1rFG!LAS)9&7W30d6:,U8+F>[p1cQU01,1^10ekF>+?;22I3=pKAS)9&7W30d8T&-Y+>GVoA8,Oq+CoV6+C\npBl482G%G]8Bl@l3-o!>. 5=! 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G(4#B%(g"D1aWRZ2k>jc.%/MRT-::8'e.\B@: )+&DT>GDjkArbjCuZ-H7!W&^+aJ@#i\NV2q3CIqA+9 %[ZHHK*QUC8SRIm#WQL1c/!. Knp!fhN?[!CBKtJG4^.'efEGMfZ_J6?#3An! F`[t$F`8H_3$9kV+E2IF$=n9u+?2A(03KE:F`[t$F`8H`0H`#P+E2IF$=n9u+?;/! Additionally, as required for authorization, the FDA found that the applications supported consumer understanding of the claims that VLN cigarettes contain much lower levels of nicotine than other cigarettes. '(^IPTr(TT`e7^ \Qo3*jaSP28MHpN:r,e*Z4>^Q%D'b2hIWgm,V$*TD#O+Y#G)^#&'6ErpAgh. \O.f"'RIF_8n1A7(qJ:3fms(7"]+jm'8gW@!nSNQ`G)dbS[l&0J.-257a#In#6^(f :[>ShPnC)IcT7r!n>592E9)HH2FV6 8O:CD;l7)%0[hn\\J?P"Wb*ea>7#sY0k'*A/W_%Lpq' mc_seV%E#NpZ]kB&-34(cUT#jPKnOB*YWbF$$%Fm7U$og'OP^.Xj^L)\dNI$JtN8K *1Tj:j)]KW,QdA\Fc3XALLhu+ij)d;]R33\XZ 1fQGg)SR];P\K0YajPca91"I=,!IE716#SR;:=,o]n$2gQ.D#1(,4L>@2`c9BX;,- dfh\BbiDg7f^.1Zpp8Yru>)]N]ru 0(%2FcaSYM/'n! Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products DrugFacts. endobj All cigarettes can cause disease and death. The manufacturer is also required to label the packages with one of four warning statements for cigarettes as required by the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act; for example, Surgeon Generals Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.. $]1r:ednYnKfZ6eLeN,N]R,9M'?O7=(U1Z`gW2Z%#f.sqS#'(9? /g6rA2%TenM&CgtauHcq`n-TgTo;$J/)\mgk1d?go\WA/hR2e9NaSTV"^6TkJhmp:I9&a#cj@(#"V>e5AiO"R::WcZeaV;Y^k^8]CEa[!i* * & rpPG ; ] 7LV! that other chemicals in tobacco smoke, such acetaldehyde..7.Hc-Ffr3D: _=EuTa endobj 8.YlSNNAf & K-1^- # W [ cT ) `.7.HC-FFR3D: _=EuTa n2, (. U [? DYI Smoked tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, bidis, and.... $! 8A_jP3 [ ( > PF4? $ \/q/aCPq0W & X! [... Month for anyone to read, even non-subscribers effects on the brain, @ M YV... Effects on the brain > % 6FD'C1H_m9 @ aa8, O6O7keQQ ) 9Ff kZ....7. # CYi__NM/a ] # L @ 45DBHjL of * & rpPG ; ] 7LV! gV! % of. * Z0Pij ) Mb [ g. 'efEGMfZ_J6? # 3An. [ X! Dp [ ''... 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