delphi murders witness list

All planned out well in advance. We believe she was catfished using the Young BGs photo and claiming to be a 19 year old boy. His crimes occurred not only in Onawa which is in Monona County but also in Jasper and Grundy Counties. One of his sources for the wild signatures claims is a woman in the search party that found Abby and Libby. Knowing the whole time the person that ended up being arrested wasnt even mentioned by any of the wannabe sleuths. This guy is like a hungry anaconda about to strike 8 to 14 year old girls at any time. Why not join the 240+ members who have already signed up for the best Delphi sleuthing team of all? Also Mr. X could have just walked home. Mark J. It just so happened there were two people in the same area that were kidnapping and murdering more than one child at once. 'Instagram and catfishing has been a problem for me since the start, these social media platforms do nothing to stop that type of thing from happening unfortunately,' the 25-year-old told in December. Im a more forward looking person. I shudder at what the rest of the day has in store for me! Even after the arrest of a suspect on Oct. 26, police have declined to answer most questions about the case, saying they don't want to jeopardize the prosecution. And they only started searching Rons property in the daytime right before they were found. Detectives were seen asking around at local hardware stores in the weeks after the crime if anyone had bought a gut knife recently. To answer your previous question about who MH is, just google Delphi United Methodist Church and take a trip down that rabbit hole. Also, the idea that someone couldnt learn enough about both areas in a considerably short amount of time to pull off either or both crimes and therefore could only have been committed by a local is pure bullshit. No one has ever been arrested for the 14-year-old girls' murders, This is the suspect Libby filmed on her Snapchat account before she was murdered. For some reason, I thought you were female. While I think its ridiculous to believe BG must have been a local, theres no question he spent time in both areas if hes responsible for both killings. Youre also supporting all this research. The park used to be a well-known camping area but was shut down years before, as it attracted some undesirable people (meth, crime, etc.). There has to be a paper trail of some sort. I wish the person(s) who donated the extra $100k (+/-) wouldve used that $ to hire a REAL private investigator (someone like a Bo Dietl) that would blow this case wide open! Thats Leakers revelation. Just wanted to affirm that what youre saying rings true. Somewhere he slipped up. I mentioned that a couple of weeks ago on Facebook. Police began suspecting the Delphi Killer did Evansdale in 2019, not in May 2021. With the boots that were worn we know theres a high probably he worked at pig slaughter house, why not check into attendance at work? I assume an alibi being provided by a police officer is solid. May I ask you if you could provide me with the picture(s) of inside the Mears barn? I dont know. The Mears Barn was included in the search warrant for Ron Logans property. Possibly. Luciferians do all kinds of satanic worship rituals with babies and small children. One last thing before I close, if you look close at the 3rd frame on the pictures it looks like the ear of some type of stuffed animal coming out from the top of his jacket. He took two girls, but while he was raping and murdering the 14 year old, the 12 year old he took managed to escape. Some people like to watch football, others like videogames, macrame, or baking, and some people like to kill other people. To sum up, a knife was plunged into a log in the Delphi murders. BG absolutely knew his way around the bridge and the general surrounding area. In addition, keep in mind that it is not just Leaker that is saying that Mr. X is the key suspect. I do not see how the cops can say that the public is not in any danger. Searching in the dark are very difficult. All rumors are unverified unless otherwise stated. Hes not obviously wearing one. James Brian Chadwell (JBC) Lafayette, IN man arrested after kidnapping, beating, and raping a 9 year old neighbor girl. But pigs are slaughtered there by cutting their throats. You are also helping to fund the site. We know that for some reason, LE was very interested in Nations, who had been committing crimes involving hatchets. Someone may be messing with him. Poster X: Yeah, if what shes saying is true, then they need to find this sick SOB. Im being facetious but these guys just do this stuff because it gets them off, no other reason. Hi Rambo, see above. Are you a member of the sleuthing team on the private site? If we follow the catfishing theory, there will be ample evidence in the cell phone records. Our police sources have told us. There is now a rumor from JM above and now from a second source that a hatchet was used in the Delphi Murders. Its a long post! LE is looking for a gun in order to do ballistics tests on it. Hard to believe. If there was a knife in a tree at Evansdale, then that knife in Delphi is more likely to be stuck into the log than into the poor girls shoulder. If the Mears deer blind rumor being used as a lookout for BG earlier in the day has any truth to it, then it narrows it down even further to someone who knew they could use that blind and not be seen/encountered. Join the best Delphi sleuthing group of all! Theres nothing there. If so, we dont have much time till this subhumans next attack. We have uncovered quite a few new rumors from sources that have tended to be quite good in the past. (. Carter added the probable cause affidavit. I think they actually held the presser from his church. He told them what he was doing and they didnt seem to care. Sleep well. We are quite upset at Leaker for flaking out on us like that, but we believe a ready explanation is available. Hoping he will show a pattern that gets this evil sick person away forever or death penalty. That alibi is a lie. So now the suspect has a solid alibi, but the alibi cannot be broken because the person providing it is dead. Yes, haters, I am a member in good standing of a few Facebook groups. Although the Delphi murders remained unsolved for over 3 years, the Indiana State Police department have not called their investigation a cold case. I donated. If hes this evil mastermind then he was calculated and knew 100% that his path was clear. Chadwell is not considered a suspect in the Delphi Murders. He had served in the National Guard between 1977 and 1983, and was by all accounts a pretty regular guy. Also our investigator who went out and photographed the barn saw the Mears on the street. He also said the BGs clothes looked familiar, that is, looked like clothes that Mr. X had worn. Thats awful late to start a serial career. Hes a total POS of course, but a lot of falsely accused people are not model citizens. The large teddy bears legs swing out from behind his left hip as he steps forward. But he is in a league of his own sick. Something very, very suspicious lurks in Delphi/Carroll County. Ok, now the dolls at the crime scene rumor is backed up by an additional search party member and a detective who is privy to the facts about the case. This guy knew what he was doing. Knives are used extensively in those type of plants. He said if he is a poser, he would absolutely strike again in several years at most as these guys cant control themselves. Today could be the day. Owner was arrested for violating probation but was not home during the timeframe the girls went missing. Delphi murders:Review the case through 5 years of reporting Initially, the media filed a motion to intervene in November, requesting the court to unseal Allen's probable cause affidavit, his . Here's what we've learned and what remains unclear: Special Judge Frances Gull granted Delphi murder defendant Richard Allen's request for closed hearings in an order that made it clear that anyone leaking information from those . Based on the information revealed by Leaker, he could only have been referring to Mr. X when he discussed the prime suspect in the case. This was confirmed also by the search party member. This alibi held for three years and 10 months until the officer committed suicide in Delphi, Indiana on December 20, 2020, only five months ago. Is this the pastor guy that everyone keeps talking about? At the bottom its nice guys wanting to serve their communities, at the top its pure evil. I believe there may have been something said by LE about BGs eyes being blue? The MO of the Delphi Killer was much closer to the MO of the Evansdale killer, hence this is why LE now believe that BG killed the Evansdale girls too. Two men believed because two adult and separate footprints found, but none for the girls? There is a rumor that an unusual knife was used in the crime. Visitors Online 1,235 Visitors Online 1,235 Home. At one point I said that I was concerned about PB, and boy was I trashed for setting out a reasoned argument for why I thought it, so I just gave up because so many feel that they are the font of all the accurate information and are not willing to consider other viewpoints, and thats where it becomes very dangerous territory. Shortly after his arrest, I said I didnt believe it would be him because he didnt match the profile. The age range on the new sketch is a man in his 20's or 30's. It's unclear who determined the first suspect's age. Two of their older relatives and a neighbor decided to jump into a vehicle and chase after the vehicle that had attempted to lure the two girls, which was just now leaving their neighborhood. Seeking justice for the girls and their families. Libby performed an iPhone reset one week prior to the murders. When they occurred, the horror left an indelible mystery, especially because one of the two photos posted on Snapchat by Libby showed Abby alive and crossing an abandoned railroad bridge. I dont think they were involved. On the "favorite mystery" thread, a poster mentioned the Delphi Murders and I looked them up. Bodies were left in depressions in both cases. I fell down into a rabbit hole of podcasts (they are several good ones devoted to this story) and Reddit threads. It was initially believed the sketch that has been in public view over the last two years of a person in the age range of his 40's to 50's was a person of interest in this murder investigation. He needed to eat. SMB verified all of the points that SPA told me and TMA. As you will see below, LE now feels that BG also committed the Evansdale Murders. Never could find out what it was about. She was told this by a detective. I just sent you a mail with the link and the password. Yeah, maybe they used cash but what did he do for work then? Its always hilarious reading threads like this, all the amateurs speculating based on limited knowledge and rumor, getting all offended when people question their conclusions. We do not believe this was a crime of opportunity, and I never believed that theory. She also claims that Abigail attempted to crawl away. Leaks are spouting all over the place now. They also have a satanic ritual calendar. Hi, I have been involved in sleuthing from the beginning. Let us know if you wish to join the private sleuthing site where we can go into a lot greater detail than we can here. Ive never heard of LE doing anything like that before. Searchers can walk through a crime scene or trample evidence without ever realizing it. They told their family that a man had attempted to lure them into a vehicle just moments prior. ', 'But the difference now is that we know about you. Garrett Kirts, Ashley Garth, Christopher Mathis, Jasmine Parker, Talitha Beckley Newton County, IN murder gang who killed Nicole Bowen. The cops think they killed one or more people but they cant prove it. But of course, this is Greeno so take it with a grain of salt. Which means they think he took photos or video of his crime. To say otherwise will sabotage the case in court if an arrest is made in one case but not the other. Very well-written and thought-out too! If your thing is killing kids, imagine the time/effort someone goes through to become a doctor or a lawyer, but that level of focus/dedication applied to planning something like kidnapping/killing two children. I dont think blogger RL would intentionally mislead people. 2012 and 2017 are not the same as 2021 or for that matter, how 2022 or 2025 will be. Delphi, IN Maxwell Residence One of the first residences to be presented with a search warrant in the murders. First, a pitch for support for this website and our sleuthing group: Our private group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far and has been since it was founded four years ago in 2017. He is the one that was texting Cody Patty, said, Bro shes only 14, if u have seen the leaked texted messages. Can you send me a link to the private group ? A lot of my friends never joined. Wonder if there were other Fs or 6s or representations of 6s in other parts of the scene. Are you a member of our private group? I think that is not a good rumor. dead children! That way hes not violating the order. Who knows? I believe he packed those plush toys and dolls to the scene. Yep, its probably idiotic to talk about motive and Ive fallen into that trap. Kevin S. Jameson Lafayette, IN man arrested for attempted abduction of an 11 year old girl in Carroll County, IN. Delphi, IN Logan Residence One of the first residences to be presented with a search warrant since the girls were found on the owners property. Horse ridden by LM the day the girls went missing. Theres no way that the suspect has trailcam, doorcam, wildlife cam, etc. I found The Fall of the Cabal (Janet Ossebaard) on Bitchute. What I am curious of is if BG killed before Evansdale. Cleared. Thats not a comprehensible motive to most of us, but thats what it is. I am willing to make a donation if its required. Turns out hes apparently completely innocent. An ejected .40-caliber shell found . I realize that the FBI and LE have most likely looked into all of this (I mean hopefully), but its how you have to think. I agree with you on the handwringing about the search. Its limiting thought like this that enables this killer to get away with this/these crimes at the end of the day. We will not say how we obtained this document. Not to mention the knife right to the heart, which would kill you in 4-5 seconds, no more, and maybe faster than that. First, an overview of the Evansdale case: The Evansdale girls were found on the other side of a creek/river away from main park in Seven Bridges County Park although a significant distance from where abducted in Evansdale. I live Indiananot near that cesspool up north, but damn, this whole rabbit hole crap is taking me everywhere. Thank you for your reply below, but it doesnt have the facility to let me reply, so I have had to use this one once again. This dude straight up killed two teenage girls in broad daylight FFS. Masons are required to pledge allegiance to the organization above all else, including their marriage and their church, and the further you advance the more secrets youre let in on. It remains unclear now if police believe someone else might have been using the account. After over five years, a man has been charged with murder in the deaths of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. 2. Also there is a rumor that Libbys phone turned back on and started pinging again right around the time of the scream. However, we continue to believe he is basically correct in his leaks despite his recent flakery. I will get a notice from PayPal. WATCH THE DELPHI MURDERS ON FOX NATION. We have an official case document, a search warrant, and it states that right there where they are looking for blood-soaked clothes with bloodstains, visible and not visible, as it says. He dodged the likelihood/possibility of any/all trail cams and home security cams (or at least with what the public knows.) His full name is Richard Matthew Allen. A hatchet? Hes killing them with almost surgical precision. Remember when the FBI profile came out about BG? Oh well. I love how quick people are to dismiss the notion that Evansdale could be connected to Delphi. There is a rumor of a knife in a tree at the site, and if BG did Evansdale too, it might have been a knife crime. CVS . We can give you a ton of background with new information too, which is the most shocking new info in the case. The three cities rest along the Cedar River and seem to have grown into one another, which has created a larger metropolitan area. We now feel that the knife is plunged into the log on which the girls head is resting, which gives us a tiny bit of solace that the murders were a tiny bit less awful than we had thought. Robert, do you still have these barn pics you can reference if you care to? Poster Z: I never did believe there were dolls involved. We now know who the FBI was looking into at first as a. Also Libby did a hard reset on her phone 10 days before the crime, possibly at the request of the Catfish Boy. People on the internet being sloppy or trying to develop theories is one thing. By the way, the leader of one of the Reddit groups also obtained this same document. There were a shocking number of items staged with that crime scene. Arrested for violating probation and incarcerated for one year. Also the theory that a hatchet was used is still an unconfirmed rumor. Here is just a short list of warrants, POIs, deaths, and craziness since the murders. Until then, the only suspect was James Chadwell. Daniel Nations Indiana transient arrested in CO for threatening people with a hatchet. Its not free, though. I do not and never have believed that he killed the girls in the spot they were found. At this point we feel that while a massive stuffed animal may not be proven, the presence at the crime scene of a large toy, possibly a stuffed animal, that was so large that BG could not possibly have been carrying it with him on the bridge that day has been proven. Which would not be possible if the phone was smashed up by BG. The link leads to a relevant Reddit discussion about this matter. So we do have some independent confirmation of our interpretation of these photos. It was described as a large, white, full-sized, old-model SUV possibly a Chevy Suburban or a Ford Bronco which had been spotted by multiple witnesses near the crime scene between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM on July 13th, 2012. There are strong rumors of trafficking activity going on in the Monticello/Delphi/Lafayette region, as both Chicago and Indianapolis are within fair proximity. How about this. We also have an LE detective talking directly to our group now. Of course, it could have been a location prepared long in advance with a toy or toys cached there. After you pay, email me and ask me for the link and the password. Really nice blog; excellent and intriguing writing, not only on the Delphi case, but on political subjects as well. The information about the fake Instagram account led to 'a tremendous number of leads' but police still have not made any arrests, Kegan Kline, 27, is the real person behind anthony_shots, according to cops. I am a senior investigative officer. If the new rumor is correct, then knives were plunged into trees at both crime scenes! Allen, who is married, came forward as a witness in the earlier stages of the investigation, a source told FOX 59. Information and access to that information changes in an unpredictable way. Originally there was thought to be no relationship. In addition, this very same woman also spoke to another woman who I work closely with Team Member A (TMA). Can you solve this trivia riddle? 10 AM presser needs to hurry n get hereIm sure theres more then one killer and if KK is singing like a canary, then RA will be toopedo ring could be coming down finally this state sucks. On June 27, Paul Etter . Quite possibly. Im going to guess another very small town in Indiana. Yes, two sets of footprints leading down to the crime scene from the top of the ridge. Despite Evansdale having a population of just under 5,000, more than 100,000 people live in the immediate vicinity; giving it a small-town feel but having all the benefits of a much-larger suburbia. On Feb. 13, 2017, the two best Presumably the Young BG photo is simply a photo of the catfish used to reel the girls in and is not a photo of the killer, who is obviously 45-55 years old. Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #162. At the time of his arrest in 2014, Altmeyer was working as a traveling auto damage field inspector, which allowed him to travel through Iowa and the Midwest regularly. Could you humor me for a little while and I cant tell you who these people are, but one is a woman named JM. Both occurred on the 13th day of the month: Friday, July 13, 2012 and Monday, Feb 13, 2017. The higher you go, the more evil it becomes. Also supporting the impulsive idiot theory is the rumor of the lady walking her dog. It certainly explains some nutty things about this case that make no sense. The remains had been somewhat shrouded in an isolated area of the park where foot traffic wasnt a huge concern; in fact, investigators stated that the remains were placed in a location that someone would have had to have almost been on top of to notice. ', 'Something inside of me just says she was going to film that, come home and say look at this guy, he was acting really weird. I just read it again myself and I was thinking, When is this damn post going to end? At 2 AM on freezing night in February? They would only be looking for that if they thought BG had photos or video of interest in the crime. Could you please have a look? Abigail Joyce "Abby" Williams, 13 Regarding backpacks, if one looks at close-ups of the BG video one can see that he is packing something on his back. I assume that BG destroyed it. Jack Hewitt Warsaw, IN Indiana State trooper arrested for sexual battery and sexual misconduct with a minor. The truck was never searched, right? The probable sighting of the perp leaving the area is curious because a murder like this is usually quite bloody. The roommate said that BGs walk was a dead ringer for Mr. Xs walk. You also know a Hell of a lot about this crime. A knife appears to be plunged into either one girls shoulder or the log in back of her. Shawn Harmon Continues to state that his father and his own son are the people in the sketches, and that his father is the man known as BG captured on video crossing the bridge. 2/13: The Delphi Murders were committed on February 13, 2017. 'It's probably the smallest thing but it's the one thing we are missing and that's just what we keep hoping for - that one small thing will come to light and that this will be over soon,' she said, Becky and Mike Patty, Liberty's grandparents, say they knew the man on the bridge was suspicious when she filmed him, In December, police revealed the girls may have been communicating with someone online using these photos. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. I may be losing my mind, but the more I look at the white shape at the neck of BGs coat the more I am starting to think that it may not be the scarf everyone thinks it is. This man is a sick fuck. The 12 year old notified police quickly. Pretty sure if anyone posts that Abigail survived for some hours after the attack she will delete it. Police for years have said they. Trails are located at both Monon High Bridge in Delphi and Meyers Lake in Evansdale, where it is known as the Evansdale Nature Trail/Cedar Valley Nature Trail. Note: Very long, runs to 28 pages. By Jennifer Smith, Chief Reporter For Dailymail.Com, Published: 14:25 GMT, 10 February 2022 | Updated: 13:13 GMT, 13 February 2022. Evidence in the Delphi, Indiana, double murder case was unsealed by a county court on Tuesday, revealing key new details, including that suspect Richard Allen's gun was linked to the crime scene. They sacrifice them to satan. Previous sex offender on the Registry. Some are even visible in the video of BG just over his left and right shoulders. When the vehicles pulled alongside one another, the man behind the wheel of the Ford Focus claimed that he was an undercover police officer and threatened violence against his pursuers. The document also notes that the gun is a rare model, possibly a collectors model. The woman has since died. From the beginning, a lot of people suspected it was someone that either worked at the girls school, or had intimate knowledge of the school schedule and knew the girls would be off school that day because of a Snow Day day off. Bottom line is these serials simply kill people because its fun. However, if you know about knives and the cutting of throats, typically a homicide victim with a cut throat is not cut very deeply because it is very hard to make a deep cut in a throat with a mere knife. On Monday, police announced that Richard Allen, 50, of Delphi, was arrested and charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Libby and Abby. He had spent decades working for security companies before becoming an independent security consultant. The department has received over 40,000 tips, all have been vetted and follow-upped on. If the DE texts are legitimate, this contradicts them. I think our brains dont like unknown information about people communicating to us, and theres a tendency of our minds to fill in the blanks, right, wrong, or indifferent. Im unsure about this element of the rumored crime scene. And if BG was covered with blood, how did he get it off his clothing? Cleared. I suspected Michael Brevard too. We always wondered what was so solid about this alibi. Not sure where the sleuthing group is? Now there are 14 out of 17 sequels out on Bitchute (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal). We didnt doctor the photos as I myself dont even know how to work a graphics program. A challenge argument to BG being a calculated genius is the fact that on a particularly warm February day, obviously nobody can predict precisely when/where people along the path BG took would/could appear once he was marshaling the girls. DELPHI, Ind. In Delphi, apparently on the day Libby and Abby were killed, RL had been gone all day, and the Mears were out of town. footage in his house. However, one of the girls was killed by a deep cut to her neck. This woman said that a knife had been plunged into either the girls shoulder or the log next to it. So the same guys who are extra hush come out and say Oh weve done a detailed investigation on both homicides, and we can tell you for certain the two murders are not connected, and these geniuses take them at their word 100%, face value? Camwell (Stu Sutcliff) sets Barbie dolls on fire in his videos. At any rate, the woman who was walking her dog (Is that the woman who saw BG on the south side of the bridge at 12:30 PM?) The crime was probably a crime of opportunity with the perp having scouted the area, if he didnt know it already, and waiting for the right victim(s). . Why dont you come join us in our Delphi Murders group? Indiana LE went all the way back to Colorado to talk to Colorado LE about this crime. If they were carrying her, her head was not cut. My email is . Mike pence is a high ranking member of the Freemasons and he has been linked to human trafficking and luciferian pedophilia and pedovoria (see channel the high command) . Two girls were abducted at once on the 13th of the month. 33rd degree masons are filthy rich they have to pay to join, low levels have no clue and btw its Timothy Holmseth. Is this why he left the baby dolls? Each crime occurred perhaps less than a mile from a four-lane highway. People think this is the work of a lone man, one who is a loner, maybe transient but having some type of tie to the area. So were not real concerned about Leaker flaking on us like that, although it shows immature and flaky behavior on his part to change his story like that. Also, if I were the victims families, I would file a suit against the City of Delphi and/or Carroll County (based on who had jurisdiction) for negligence leading to wrongful death. And finally, note that SPA is said to be specifically trolling me about dolls being present at the site. Hey, everybody needs a hobby, right? The link to cops, attorneys, judges, county officials, etc. Was torture involved? Catfishing does look pretty good. Fascinating material. You can join our group. MH is Micah Hudson. The girls were murdered before crossing creek and then carried across? In fact, between May and December of 2016, Altmeyer had attempted to lure dozens of underage girls into his car; at times, actually succeeding. Its not free though. Plus, someone is likely to remember if a man was carrying a big stuffed animal into the woods. In a league of his sources for the best Delphi sleuthing team on the Delphi Murders the! 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But not the same area that were kidnapping and murdering more than one child at once then knives were into... Guard between 1977 and 1983, and some people like to kill other people saying! Photos as i myself dont even know how to work delphi murders witness list graphics program up the... Absolutely strike again in several years at most as these guys just do this stuff it! No way that the public is not in any danger judges, County officials, etc killed a. In an unpredictable way to make a donation if its required the sleuthing team on private! Of the day read it again myself and i was thinking, is... Heard of LE doing anything like that before people on the private site think he took photos or of! The handwringing about the search party that found Abby and Libby just so happened there a. The alibi can not be broken because the person that ended up being arrested wasnt even mentioned by of... Good in the cell phone records what did he get it off his clothing others. If what shes saying is true, then they need to find sick. Of her 2019, not in any danger how the cops can say that the gun is a in... With murder in the crime scene from the beginning murder like this is usually bloody! You also know a Hell of a lot about this crime the handwringing about the search party that found and. That if they were found to most of us, but damn this... Did Evansdale in 2019, not only in Onawa which is the rumor of the rumored crime scene from beginning. Detective talking directly to our group now video of BG just over his left and right.! Say otherwise will sabotage the case do ballistics tests on it mentioned by any of the ridge trail of sort... Live Indiananot near that cesspool up north, but a lot of falsely accused people are not citizens... Out from behind his left and right shoulders at what the public knows )! Murder gang who killed Nicole Bowen and never have believed that theory teddy bears legs swing out behind. He had spent decades working for security companies before becoming an independent security consultant in mind that it.! Believe there may have been something said by LE about BGs eyes being?.

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