difference between whitetail and blacktail deer

The white-tailed deer lives in many places, so it has access to many foods. Furthermore, a mature mule deer is heavy-built, broad, and taller than a whitetail deer of the same age. Whether they are the same or not there are definitely some differences in their appearance and habitats. Although the white-tailed deer is one of the most popular species, the black-tailed deer and the mule deer are two other types people enjoy seeing in the wild. With muleys being available to hunt across 16 states, it is obvious they can be found across all types of terrain. Whitetail deer showcase a brownish tint on their face, with white rings or small circles around their face closer to the nose and eye parts. Blacktails prefer mild winters and humid environments. An adult, male, black-tailed deer can reach up to 200lbs while whitetail males can reach up to 300lbs. Luckily the question of if you are dealing with a blacktail deer vs mule deer can be solved with the identification of several interesting differences. Meaning that they fork as they grow. Some just hunt one or the other. Unlike the mule deer, whitetail deer spend more time grazing than browsing. This white portion of the tail can only be seen when the deer "flags" or . Two forms of black-tailed deer or blacktail deer that occupy coastal woodlands in the Pacific Northwest of North America are subspecies of the mule deer . Whitetail deer has a restless tail. Whitetail deer get spooked easily. Antlers Their weight can range from 75 pounds for a young deer to 350 pounds for a mature deer. Sitka black-tailed deer are closely related to the larger Columbia black-tailed deer of the Pacific Northwest, and both are considered subspecies of the (even larger) mule deer of the American West. White-tailed deer are slightly smaller than mule deer, but larger than Sitka black-tailed deer. 4. The larger ears found on desert Muleys allow them to stay cooler when its hotter out, and the smaller ones found on the mountain muleys translate to them staying a little warmer. The mule deer is known for having exceptionally large ears that resemble those of a mule. Their range is vastly different as well. Telling a mule deer and a whitetail deer apart just based off of their coats is difficult. Black-tailed deer are found on the Pacific Coast of North America in California, Oregon, and Washington. When I'm not working, I enjoy playing video games, reading, and writing for fun. I guess the old saying It isnt the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog, holds true. Lifespan: Up to 16 years. Much like Mule deer, coues deer are often gray in color during the fall to blend into the Arizona countryside, which they do exceptionally well, so well, in fact, they are referred to as the Gray Ghost by those who have pursued them. Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. The average mule deer will grow between 95 and 330 pounds in weight, 2.8-3.9 feet in height, and between 4 and 7 feet in length. They are much smaller than Mule deer but larger than Blacktail deer, these are the most popular big game in North America. That makes it important for hunters and other wildlife lovers to know the visual difference between the two. 2) are our most common deer subspecies. Given that they can inhabit the same area and can even interbreed, knowing the difference between them can be tricky. A constant debate that seems to emerge around the fireplace at hunting camp is the question of are mule deer and blacktail the exact same species or completely different? The other subspecies would be the Sitka deer or Sitka Blacktail. A mule deer is bigger than an average whitetail deer. Tracks you find in the snow or wet ground can be similar, as both species do whats known as pronking, where they leap and land with all four legs at the same time. Mule deer have more white tones on their face than whitetail deer; it is a much lighter color than the rest of their body. Here Is the Latest Info. Throughout most of the year, both blacktails and mule deer like to travel alone or in very small groups. Now that weve covered the major differences between a mule deer and a black-tailed deer, you should have a good idea of what makes them similar and what sets them apart. The Columbian black-tailed deer fits the abovementioned measurements, but the Sitka deer is even smaller. These areas provide protection from the deep snow and better foraging when plant life is scarce. Yet there is a clear difference between the antler scores of both deer. So, these creatures have a small overlap in their range, but white-tail deer are much more widespread. Whitetail deer gallop away when they are scared. When glassing for mule deer, focus on areas that have thickish cover with spaced-out openings. Axis deer are generally considered by most hunters to be the best-tasting game meat.. What is the difference between whitetail and blacktail deer? Despite the differences in flavor between mule and whitetail listed above, don't be upset if you can't really taste the difference between the two. November 15, 2022 |Brow Tines and Backstrap. To keep things straightforward, when referring to blacktail it will be with regards to the Columbia blacktail. Realtree is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible experience to everyone, including those with disabilities.2023 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. Seeing a white deer can be a good omen in this regard. Whitetail are the oldest living species of deer at 3.5 million years old. The largest difference between mulies and whitetail is the size of that home range. However, black-tailed deer dont have a range throughout most of Alaska. . Do you want to enter your opinion about a specific issue into the public record? in SW Oregon you have some chaparral/oaks/ with doug fir forests. You should study photos, videos and live deer to increase your knowledge so that you can make that snap-decision you might have to make when in the field. After all, that is where mule deer get their name. Many of the physical characteristics of black-tailed deer are similar to those of the larger mule deer. Thisvideo and related graphicillustrateseveral key characteristics to help hunters (and others) distinguish between the two. Depending on the location, the climate, and the time of the year, it should be fairly easy to tell the difference between the two. Here are eight of them. Whitetail deer vary significantly in size and usually weigh between about 90 to 200 pounds. They have much larger home ranges and of course winter ranges. The greatest differences between a white-tailed deer and a black-tailed deer can be found in their morphology and size. Some of the best examples of deer tracks are found in wet sand or shallow mud just like this one. This video has historical information on the North Bank Habitat Management Area and the role it plays in managing Columbian white-tailed deer. The shape and angle of their ears dont affect how well either of them can hear. Anyone hunted or have experience with both? This color can get even darker, almost black in some cases, in the winter months as the deer lives in more heavily forested areas, as the darker color helps conceal it in dark forests. These deer are named for the regions that they can be found in and have a different yet similar appearance to each other. Ribbon snakes love water, but are excellent climbers too. Copyright 2023 Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Oregon Disabilities Hunting and Fishing Permit information. Most pure mule deer have forks in their antlers. Albinism is a congenital condition defined by the absence of pigment, resulting in an all-white appearance and pink eyes. Their favorite meals are ferns, huckleberry, blackberries, apples, cranberry, elderberry, and more. Another key difference between Muleys and Whitetail deer is their tails. Blacktail have been successfully introduced to islands off Canada, Hawaii, the Kodiak and Santa Catalina islands, but seeing as though those were introductions, we can overlook those areas as the blacktails natural range. They also live in the desert southwest, near the coast in California and in the subtropical forests of western Washtington. This type of deer is polyestrous and is a short day breeder. You can also find them in the Southwest U.S. and up and down the western coast of North America. I'm a freelance writer with 8 years of experience. When something is referred to as the Ghost of the Forest, its pretty obvious they are not going to be standing out in the open of a nice sunny spot, happily feeding away while it waits for you close in another 200-yards. Mule deer live on a diet of mostly forbs, shrubs, leaves, and twigs as well as fruit. White-tailed deer are one of the most common in the Americas, but there are some less-known creatures, like black-tailed deer. However, Northern populations have lighter, and Southern populations are darker comparatively. Visit the ODFW's agency site. Mule deer have a grey shade or brown coat color, depending on the time of year. Mule deer are so aptly named due to their large ears that resemble that of a Mule. How to distinguish Columbian white-tailed and black-tailed deer There are some similarities between the two animals. These deer are found within coastal regions, and their size results from living in that biome. You may also observe that mule deer tails are thinner, look more like a rope, and is black on the tip. Named for their large and fluffy white tails; Nearly every hunter who has chased this game will experience being white flagged. It's almost impossible to distinguish between the East Siberian moose and the Alaska moose. Deer come in many shapes and sizes despite seeming like monolithic creatures. Significantly, both deer have white in their neck areas. That way, we can see how theyre different in obvious ways, like body type, and less-obvious ways, like species. March 1, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, February 24, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes. Axis Deer vs Whitetail Deer: You Should Know These Differences! What is the difference between whitetail and blacktail deer? Despite the larger, wider ears on the mule deer, both species have very acute hearing, and that's a huge advantage: they can hear predators coming from a ways off. This transitions to a muted brown, almost gray, in the winter months, to better match the snowy, rocky surroundings. Mule deer do not have this. Columbian white-tailed and black-tailed deer share the same habitat in some parts of western Oregon. It seems like there is a lot more information on the market about whitetail deer behavior due to the larger range but I wonder if any of it is really applicable to blacktails? These deer can be found in northern Mexico along with Baja California. Stories of successfully calling in muleys or bringing in bucks by rattling antlers together are few and far between, but it may still be a good option to get a buck to show himself, if the signs of tracks are fresh and you are certain he is held up in some dense brush. In fact, several species and subspecies of deer are found throughout the world today. Blacktail deer are a different species of deer than the whitetail, and mule deer are a subspecies of the blactail. The white-tailed deer is Odocoileus virginianus, and the black-tailed deer is Odocoileus hemionus columbianus. Depending on what part of the country you are in, you will find mule deer everywhere from 12000 foot tall mountain peaks to flat cornfields in eastern Colorado. The mule deer is larger than the black-tailed deer, weighing 330 pounds and standing 3.8 ft tall and measuring 7 feet long at its greatest compared to the black-tailed deer, weighing up to 225 pounds and standing 3.7 feet tall, and measures 4-5.5. ft tall. But it by no means implies that just because you have hunted a mule deer, there is no need to pursue a blacktail. Antler Shape . Body size is usually relative to age, genetics, health, nutrition and geographic location. The antlers of Columbia . I hunt the same area Dan does and just wanted to say that I have seen scrapes and rubs, but the only place I've ever seen 'em is down along the river. While the specifics of each deers size come down to genetics and diet, generally mule deer will be larger than blacktail deer. We may receive a commission with purchases through certain links. Mule deer mothers with newborns have also been seen to allow other females to stay around to help raise and socialize their young. In the warmer months, blacktail moves to higher elevations into steep mountain ranges where there are fewer predators and new growth of vegetation. Hunting them helps keep the equilibrium in maintaining the ecosystem and habitat. Research shows that at this age, most bucks have achieved 50 to 75 percent of their antler-growth potential. Blacktail deer are generally much smaller than Mule deer and form their racks similarly to that of Whitetail deer. This video and related graphic illustrate several key characteristics to help hunters (and others) distinguish between the two. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. The black-tailed deer eats many of the same things as the white-tailed deer. Black-tailed deer primarily range in Britain Columbia and Alaska. So, how can you tell the difference between a mule deer vs black-tailed deer? They follow a similar pattern to blacktails, avoiding the deep snow by going to lower elevations in the winter and moving higher in the summer. Furthermore, the white-tailed deer stands up to 3.9 feet tall and grows 7.2 feet long, while the black-tailed deer stands up to 3.7 feet tall and 5 feet long. But only males grow antlers. Genetic samples from far outside of the "cross-over" zone were used to establish those value ranges. Mule deer antlers can vary greatly but will hardly ever resemble the formation and patterns of a whitetail. Most hunters and deer enthusiasts in western North America are exposed to many wonderful species of deer. White-tailed deer and mule deer have slightly different reproduction and mating cycles. That said, where whitetails and mule deer ranges overlap, mule deer are typically bigger on an age-class-to-age-class basis. You are using an out of date browser. While deer can be albinos, it's exceedingly rare. It can mean that your soul is pure, your intentions are meant to benefit you and other people, and you are on the best path for your life. His book "Mule Deer Country" is an excellent source for studying mule deer. This will be at no cost to you. This is different than how Whitetail antlers grow, which come from a single beam and branch out as they grow. The mule deer is indigenous to the Western North American belt. I've been hunting since I was 8 and shed hunting even before that. Blacktails also have wider, bushier tails compared to the mule deer whose tail is longer and thinner. What to put in water when boiling deer skull. And remembering the names of each as the main identifier can be helpful when youre looking for those signs. These are two subspecies of the mule deer, sharing some but not all qualities with the main stem of the species. All in all, the white-tailed deer and the black-tailed deer are very different creatures. The further north you go the bigger in body they get, as per Bergman's law. Interestingly, both shed their antlers every year in succession to each other. They try to see what is making the noise before bounding off. Whitetails also have a tendency to turn a faded, reddish color in the summer months, which changes to a gray and light tan color in the winter. First there are estrus doe bleats, which they make when they're in heat but there aren't any bucks around. They live in Alaska in the U.S., British Columbia in Canada, California, Oregon, and Washington State in the continental United States. Another major difference between these two creatures is their antlers. These are just the most prominent differences between these deer, but they are unique in other ways too! Their hopping is the classic fleeing mechanism that people picture when thinking of mule deer. The print of a deer's cloven hoof is a split heart shape. Located on the outside of the hind leg, the length of this gland varies between species . Cant find what you need? The Columbia blacktails have bigger racks.. Visit the OutdoorWorld Reviews homepage for more expert information and guides! Shotguns. However, their territories do overlap in some locations. They are about three-quarters of the length of the deers entire head and help the mule deer pick up on faint sounds over their large, open territories. Most tracks are between 2 and 3 inches long on relatively hard ground. An important point to mention is that there are two recognized types of blacktail deer, the Columbia blacktail and the Sitka blacktail. Mule deers have a tendency to stay in large social groups when herding or foraging, while blacktail deer will rarely stay in a large group, usually only when feeding, before moving off on their own. Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. Hello, and thank you for visiting Outdoors Mecca. Western north america has more mule deer and black tailed deer. Use all of these traits and never just one or two to help identify the breed of deer youre looking at before taking the shot. Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. Assume those links are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. While the blacktail deer has a darker face with fur that matches the rest of its body. Have some feedback for us? Furthermore, the ears of the whitetail deer are small while the ears of the mule deer are large like those in the mule. Mule deer has mule-like large ears but those are small in whitetail deer. Size: Large males stand up to 3 ft (1 m) at the shoulder. Both deer will grow up to 36 to 42 inches at the shoulders. Were going to explore them in greater depth by comparing five different factors. Many plant and animal species exhibit albinism (including humans). Mule Deer The average mule deer weight in Colorado is over 250 pounds, while an Illinois whitetail buck weighs just around 200 pounds. Whitetail deer have a brown rump and only the underside of its tail is white. If they are much smaller, a fawn probably made them. Do you need this information in an alternative format or language? Well provide several different ways to tell these animals apart! Copyright Jesse's Hunting & Outdoors L.L.C. What to put in water when boiling deer skull. Do not hesitate to call your local Game Warden or Department of Natural Resources if you have questions. Dr. Valerius Geist who is an expert on the history of deer sheds light on this by stating Muleys evolved from a cross between blacktails and primitive whitetail deer some 2 million years ago.. The whitetail's metatarsals are below the mid-point of the lower leg, less than 1 inch long, and surrounded by white hairs. In some cases, the many barriers to crossbreeding fail and . United States Department of Agriculture, Available here: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs142p2_042116.pdf, State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Available here: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=deer.main, N.C. There isn't a huge difference in how they act there form what I've been told. Their range extends south as well. OutdoorWorld Reviews is a community-supported website. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Their tail is much smaller and has a range of colors on it. Black-tailed deer are descendants of whitetail, the latter of which has walked the landscape of North America for roughly 3.5 million years. Thats because their coats change color depending on the season. During the rut, their tarsal glands will be dark and may show a lot of staining. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Required fields are marked *. A dominant mule deer buck may have a home range as large as 80 square miles. Mule deer usually have small or missing brow tines with bifurcated antler branching, which means tines that split once off of a main beam, and then again toward the tips. Access Map to help Current conditions and opportunities to fish, hunt and view wildlife. Eastern north america is dominated by white tailed deer. Both mule deer hunting and whitetail hunting are extremely popular, especially in the U.S. To new hunters and people who dont know what to look for, telling a mule deer and a whitetail apart may be difficult. Whitetail mules shed them from Jan to Feb, and mule deer will shed them in Feb or March. Find a group of does and wait for the buck, he wont be far behind. Mule deer has a black-tipped, much smaller tail than their cousins, the Whitetail. In Montana, they have trophy Mule deer. Sometimes, they can even have a dull orangish hue to them. Its estimated that there are 30 million deer worldwide. It takes 100" to make book for a Sitka, and 125" for a Columbia. In the colder winter months, they can be found where the snow is more shallow in the lower valleys and in thick old growth and rainforests that exist along the west coast. This is an old video and refers to the Roseburg population of the Columbian white-tailed deer as endangered. Main Phone (503) 947-6000 Also, most mule deer will have very short brow tines, or none at all. Since mule deer live in less vegetative areas with harsher climates, they feed more on various grasses, clover, herbs, and brush such as sagebrush, pasture sage, bitterbrush, and prickly lettuce. The easiest way to tell them apart are by some of their physical characteristics. Shoulder height: Up to 94cm (females up to 91cm). Yet, the obvious difference between the two deer is that the blacktail has less white on the rump and a blacker, thicker tail than the mule deer. This is a basic formation or pattern. They appear to be more social during mating season with many displays of dominance occurring with mature bucks, while younger bucks conduct similar engagements as a form of social bonding. The long tail has a snow-white underside that they raise and flash to signal to other deer. Not unlike Mule deer, there are many subspecies of Whitetail deer. Mule deer evolved from Blacktail deer. Thank you for reading! Mule deer are slightly more accepting to hunters and pressure. When it comes to identifying the differences between the two, we can start with the names of each deer. Early hunting season, especially for the bow hunters will find the mule deer high up where they prefer the cooler temperatures, as the season moves on, they will make their way into areas of sage brush. The blacktail deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ) split off from the whitetail at some time in the past, thought to be a million years ago or more. This process usually involves removing the entrails, reproductive tract, heart, lungs, diaphragm and part of the esophagus. Their antlers have one long tine that stems from their skull. The diet of the mule deer and the black-tailed deer is probably different due to each animals range rather than their preferences. Features: Columbian black-tailed deer are smaller and darker than mule deer. Mule Deer vs White-tail: 5 Key Differences Explained. Be it the mountains or the desert. deer, (family Cervidae), any of 43 species of hoofed ruminants in the order Artiodactyla, notable for having two large and two small hooves on each foot and also for having antlers in the males of most species and in the females of one species. Throughout most of their range, whitetails and mule deer both rut, or breed, in November. Is the general behavior of the backtail deer very different than that of the whitetail. Mule Deer vs Black-tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? And it comes down to what side of the line they died upon. Mule deer are found more inland, away from the coast, particularly in the Rocky Mountain regions of British Columbia, Nebraska, Colorado, and other states. They live in the western great plains, the rocky Mountains, and its surrounding areas. They eat grass, nuts, forbs, mushrooms, and fruits. Today, were going to explore the many differences between the white-tailed deer vs black-tailed deer and show you what sets these creatures apart. The rut runs from early November to late December, and just like any other male of the species, the big bucks will drop their guard and all common sense goes out the window as they chase the does. Brown rump and only the underside of its body mention is that there are two recognized types of blacktail?... In Feb or march will shed them from Jan to Feb, and 125 & quot ; or deer a... Branch out as they grow a diet of mostly forbs, mushrooms, and the black-tailed deer there some... 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