illinois police pension consolidation lawsuit

Discovery shareholder, having accepted . This is a much narrower claim than some have made, including Gov. January 21, 2020. If the court agrees with Attorney General Kwame Raouls office which is representing the state, the plaintiffs would appeal through a routine appeals process. White Paper from the Pension Fairness for Illinois Communities Coalition Consolidation: The Benefits to IL Taxpayers. JB Pritzker himself, that those future accruals are guaranteed under the contracts clause of the United States Constitution, or by applying basic principles of justice and fairness, so that an amendment could never actually accomplish its purpose. The league stated it is confident it will beat the legal challenge. House Committee Meeting Hide Overview . An Illinois Circuit Court judge has denied a lawsuit that sought to stop the consolidation of the state's 650 firefighter and police officer pension funds, rejecting the plaintiff's claims that a law enacting the move violated the state's constitution. J.B. Pritzker won legislative approval in November 2019to require the more than 600 local government police and firefighter funds with the exception of Chicago to transfer their assets to a single consolidated police fund and a single fire fund by July 1. We hope you find our website helpful! Surviving spouse benefit: Tier 2 eliminated pension benefits for spouses of public safety workers whose deaths occurred before the end of the ten-year period for pension benefit vesting and whose deaths were not duty-related. Although Judge Robert Villa writes in the ruling that the consolidation undeniably diminished the weight of each individuals board member vote, he also holds that traditional voting rights claims are not at issue. On February 23, 2021, eighteen police and firefighter pension funds, as well as individual active and retired members of these funds, filed a complaint against Governor Pritzker, the two new consolidated pension investment funds, and others in the Kane County Circuit Court. The lawsuit alleged that the consolidation violates two provisions of the Illinois Constitution: the pension protection clause and the takings clause. Villa set May 20 as the next hearing date and said he would have a written ruling ready by that date. The consolidation of Illinois' suburban and downstate police pension fund assets has picked up speed since a May court ruling upholding the law's constitutionality, but a pending appeal. The plaintiffs dropped their motion to certify class status. When Tier 2 was created, public attention was focused on rectifying Illinois worst-in-the-nation pension crisis and assisting local pension funds in distress. Justice Robert McLaren wrote the panels opinion, issued Feb. 7, Pritzker, Raoul: No 'fundamental right' to own, sell 'assault weapons' in IL, ask IL high court to toss TRO, Appeals court: Rockford nurse can only get $2,500 from her lawsuit win, even though county health department violated her abortion conscience rights, 4th Ward Chicago Ald. The law is aimed at easing shortfalls in Illinois local public safety pensions by merging more than $16 billion in assets from the 650 retirement plans into two funds, one for police and one for firefighters. The constitution itself was ratified by vote of 57%, with a turnout of 37% of voters in a special election in December, which all makes it a bit insulting for the Court to proclaim that it was the People of Illinois who asserted their will in this manner.). Consolidation has even been previously considered for Illinois' pension systems before (in 2003, 2009, and 2012). It added that if all of the plans complete the transfer, there will be more than $4 billion in assets in the IPOPIF consolidated fund by the end of June. Police accounted for $7.5 billion of the total and firefighters for $5.5 billion, according to the most recent reportfrom the state legislatures Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability. About a month ago, Gov. The General Assembly created Tier 2 in 2010 to reduce the States overwhelming pension obligations by significantly lowering benefits for new workers. Plaintiffs are individual active and retiree/beneficiaries of the local funds: they have no right to the investments held by the funds; rather, they are entitled only to present or future payments from the funds, McLaren wrote. On December 18th, 2019, Governor Pritzker officially signed Public Act 101-0610 into law, which then took effect on January 1st, 2020. (Shutterstock) HINSDALE, IL In the last budget year, Hinsdale spent $163,000 on managing. We are already showing savings and increased earning ability, proving the benefit that was predicted and is needed by this consolidation, said league Executive Director Brian Cole. In the recent case challenging the consolidation, the plaintiffs follow the example of Buddell by maintaining that Public Act 101-0610 has similarly deprived their vested pension benefits. Amid the worst pension crisis in the nation, lawmakers voted in bipartisan fashion to improve pension benefits for downstate police officers and firefighters without performing the necessary financial analysis to estimate the cost. The task force also noted that these estimated costs are minor compared to increases in investment returns projected to be earned by the consolidated funds compared with the 649 existing police and fire funds. J.B. Pritzker on Wednesday signed into law the consolidation of 649 downstate and suburban police and fire pension plans into two new pension funds. Illinois Public Pensions Database. XIII, 5. starts here. The practical effect is that many employees will see a boost in their initial pension check on retirement, which serves as the basis for subsequent annual increases. The three changes intended to bring Tier 2 benefits in line with safe harbor restrictions are as follows: 1) Expand survivor benefits. The police and fire funds satisfy this test because of the relatively high multiplier of 2.5% that is applied to final average salary to determine the pension benefit. "The Illinois Police Officers Pension Investment Fund (IPOPIF) is pleased that the court has indicated a date on which a written ruling will be issued. Your email address will not be published. This clause has been construed by our court on numerous occasions, most recently in Kanerva v. Weems, 2014 IL 115811. The Illinois Attorney Generals Office represented the state defendants with assistance from three Chicago law firms: Neal & Leroy, Mayer Brown and Jacobs, Burns, Orlove and Hernandez. The latest example involved pension buyouts, which were budgeted to reduce General Funds contributions by more than $400 million in FY2019 but ended up saving about $13 million that year. The plaintiffs claimed that they had a contractual and enforceable right to exclusively manage and control their investment expenditures and income, including interest dividends, capital gains and other distributions on investments, which they said the consolidation infringed upon. In December 2019, Gov. There are no allegations or evidence presented that plaintiffs currently drawing their pension benefit have suffered a present or will suffer a future loss in benefit payment, Villa writes in his decision. The report, prepared by Chicago-based Anderson Economic. Illinois The quotation referencing $15 million plus interest is misleading, at best.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. However, that process may be interrupted if a court issues an order staying the transfer of assets. Illinois is home to the nations worst pension crisis, leaving taxpayers on the hook for $317 billion in unfunded pension liabilities for the five statewide retirement systems. A husband or wife of a deceased police officer or firefighter will now be eligible for two-thirds of the deceaseds accrued pension benefits, regardless of how long the person worked before their death. But it seems about time for a deep dive into a narrow question: what did the Illinois Supreme Court have to say about pensions? Required fields are marked *. A History of Pension Enactments. Unions and other Tier 2 critics are also concerned about the relatively low benefits provided to new employees. Senate Bill 616 reinstates the Tier 1 benefit for these surviving spouses. As a result, Tier 2 members paid about 1.9% of their salary to subsidize Tier 1 benefits. These pensions are primarily funded through the statessecond-highestin the nation property taxes, diverting taxpayer dollars from improving cities core services. Governor JB Pritzker, too, has claimed that theres nothing to be done except to find more money, and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoots vaguely worded statements about the matter dont amount to anything more, either. Grayslake Police Pension Fund 10 South Seymour Ave, Grayslake IL 60030-0906 DOI Pension Fund Number POO9600 . 10 N. Dearborn St., Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60602 The three main parts of the pension benefit formula are illustrated below. In 2019, the Illinois General Assemblypassed a billthat allows for the consolidation of 650 police and firefighter pensions in order to pool their funds into two statewide funds for investment purposesone for police and one for firefighters. t 312.346.5700 f 312.896.2500, Springfield Office | Illinois Policy However, as pointed out by the Civic Federation, lawmakers never definitively established that a safe harbor violation existed for Tier 2 public safety workers, nor that the changes in this bill were the minimum necessary to bring the plans into compliance. I usually do not take this long to enter rulings on a case even of this size and with this sort of consequence, Kane County Circuit Court Judge Robert K. Villa said at a Monday hearing. 802 South 2nd Street | Springfield, IL 62704 Pritzker lawsuit. Governor's Pension Consolidation Feasibility Task Force Report. At some point, even with the high multiplier, Tier 2 police and fire benefits might not meet the alternative IRS standards, but the analysis does not suggest the timing of any potential violation. J.B. Pritzker championed toconsolidateabout 650 local police and firefighter pension funds from across Illinois under state management by mid-2022. However, many of the local pension leaders remain hesitant or are even refusing to merge until they learn the outcome of litigation to block Pritzkers law. Municipalities have until July 1 to transfer all assets from their locally managed pension funds . The Illinois Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund told lawmakers during a committee hearing that some individual funds have resisted moving their assets because of pending litigation. It also represented one of the rare actions taken by the state to help local governments on the pension front. The only real way to fix the pension crisis once and for all and strike a balance between protecting taxpayers, retirees and vulnerable Illinoisans who rely on government services is with aconstitutionalamendment to allow for structural pension reform. Gov. The Court also rejected the use of the states police power to reduce pensions, that is, the notion that the greater need to provide basic services could justify reducing pensions, noting that other provisions in the constitution included wording qualifying the promises made as subject to affordability, but that the pension protection wording was absolute. The law is aimed at easing shortfalls in Illinois local public safety pensions by merging more than $16 billion in assets from the 650 retirement plans into two funds, one for police and one for firefighters. But the panel said the complaint contained no argument as to how that requirement would specifically diminish their eventual benefits. Simply put, plaintiffs do not own the funds that the Act requires to be transferred to the new statewide police and firefighter pension investment funds. While Pritzker said the measure would cut costs and improve returns for recipients, three dozen current employees and retirees, along with 18 local retirement plans, filed the lawsuit in February. The creation of two new consolidated pension funds in Illinois is providing plan executives with a rare opportunity to build defined benefit plan investment programs from scratch. The Illinois Police Officers Pension Investment Fund said it completed its third tranche of asset transfers on May 2, and that to date 46 plans have transferred more than $1 billion worth of assets to the IPOPIF consolidated fund. A large portion of this new law (the "Pension Consolidation Act") requires all 649 Illinois suburban and downstate police and firefighters pension funds previously established as prescribed by . In fact, the text cites multiple attempts to provide some alternate language to the constitutions blanket statement, which did not succeed: We note, moreover, that after the drafters of the 1970 Constitution initially approved the pension protection clause, a proposal was submitted to Delegate Green by the chairperson of the Illinois Public Employees Pension Laws Commission, an organization established by the General Assembly to, inter alia, offer recommendations regarding the impact of proposed pension legislation. . Taxpayers must not allow Springfield to pretend theyve solved the pension problem. In addition, because the assumed rate of return is used as the discount rate for pension liabilities, an increase in the expected return rate by the consolidated funds would also reduce statutorily required annual pension contributions. Problems include: Nicklas and some other city leaders are relived to see their pensions consolidated, noting the underfunded plans weigh on budgets and credit ratings, contributing to a slowed economic recovery from the pandemic. JB Pritzker signed Senate Bill 1000, which amended the Illinois Pension Code to create the Police Officers Pension Investment Fund and the Firefighters Pension Investment Fund, built through the consolidation of more than 650 otherwise independent downstate and suburban funds. The ruling states that voting is not currently a benefit under the pension clause of the state constitution, pointing out that the courts have yet to hold that the right to vote for pension fund board members falls within the protections of the Pension Clause. It also rules that the takings clause claim cant be tied to real property as required under Illinois law. Final average salary is important because that amount is multiplied by years of service and a factor called the multiplier to determine the initial pension benefit for a retiree. Funding public-employee pension systems is perhaps the most vexing emergency facing Illinois taxpayers. Illinois is home to the nation's worst pension crisis, leaving taxpayers on the hook for $317 billion in unfunded pension liabilities for the five statewide retirement systems. Will be used in accordance with our terms of service & privacy policy. t 312.346.5700 f 312.896.2500, Springfield Office | Illinois Policy Similarly, there is no evidence that those still employed will suffer a similar fate when they eventually retire. He also states that there was no argument or evidence presented that money transferred to the new funds is being used for a different public usesuch as funding road improvementthat impacts the plaintiffs present or future retirement benefits. Youre invited to comment at! J.B. Pritzker released a task force report calling for the consolidation of downstate municipal fire and police pension funds and called for quick action by "No matter the ruling, the case likely will be heard by the Illinois Supreme Court. TheFirst Responder Pension Consolidationlaw currently faces a lawsuit challenging it on constitutional grounds, claiming the measure diminishes pension benefits. candidate seeks $12M from Preckwinkle, 4th Ward Dems for alleged defamatory mailers, Judge says franchisors also liable in suits claiming biomertric scan violations; Ruling could make businesses more vulnerable to suits, UIC law prof can continue part of lawsuit regarding reaction to his allegedly racially insensitive test question, IL high court: Concerns over 'absurd,' 'annihalitive' payouts no reason to limit damage claims under IL biometrics law, Appeals panel agrees IL police and firefighter pension consolidation doesn't violate state constitution, IL Supreme Court: Chicago didn't violate state law by charging fees to owners of impounded vehicles, Appeals panel: Chicago must force telecom companies to hire union labor to upgrade their equipment on city-owned poles. That could be a boost for communities being squeezed by pension costs. They are seeking to maintain local control over pension management. It also said there are another 93 funds currently going through the process to transfer funds on either June 1 or June 24. Made possible by a generous grant from the B. Pritzker, Lawsuit, Pension Consolidation, Robert Villa, Ray Dalio Is Now Ranking Economies by Their Strengths and Weaknesses, 702 King Farm Boulevard, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20850 / +1 212-944-4455 /. The lawsuit alleged that the consolidation violates two provisions of the Illinois Constitution: the pension protection clause and the takings clause. Theres been confusion among the stakeholders over the litigations impact should the court overturn the legislation, which would also impact the firefighters fund. A court ruling as soon as December will determine the fate of a 2019 law Gov. However, the cost of the Tier 2 benefit in FY2019 was 7.1% of salary, compared with 21.6% for Tier 1 benefits. Worth Police Pension Fund 7112 W. 111th Street Worth, IL 60482 . The state's pension consolidation task force reported doing so could earn the funds an extra $2.5 billion altogether over the next five years. The state, represented by Richard Huszagh, assistant attorney general, has countered that constitutional protections are limited to membership benefits and not fund management. I write about retirement policy from an actuary's perspective. We are already showing savings and increased earning ability, proving the benefit that was predicted and is needed by this consolidation, said league Executive Director Brian Cole. The Illinois Municipal League, which has advocated for pension consolidation for the past decade, also supports Pritzkers plan. The Civic Federations recently released Inventory of Local Governments in Illinois report identified a total of 8,923 units of local government in Illinois. One concern is that these benefit enhancements were not truly necessary, but were used as a political bargaining chip to convince police and fire unions to support the legislation. The local boards were entrusted with investing the contributions so that payments could be made to participants. The case is expected to be resolved in the circuit court on initial motions. The Illinois Supreme Court ordered the consolidation of lawsuits filed by cannabis dispensary license applicants in an attempt to resolve multiple claims challenging the fairness of the licensing . The plan has modest fiscal goals. Delegate Green subsequently advised the chairman that he would not offer it because he could get no additional delegate support for the proposed amendment. . Illinois Pension Consolidation Act. The legal limbo brought about by the case has resulted in some local Article 3 pensions plans choosing to not transfer funds as mandated by the Act until a ruling is announced, Richard White, the funds executive director, said in a statement. The amendment doesnt mandate those loans, nor is there evidence it reduces available funding to pay promised benefits. The move is intended to help improve the financial stability of the pension funds and ease pressure on local governments to raise taxes to fund those pensions. The lawsuit alleged that the consolidation violates two provisions of the Illinois Constitution: the pension protection clause and the takings clause. Pension Consolidation Lawsuit - Appellate Court Decision (Arlington Heights Police Pension Fund v. Pritzker) The Firefighters Pension Investment Fund applauded the court ruling, saying in a statement that it will continue to implement the transition process, which is required to be completed by June 30. By collecting data from the largest public pension systems in the state and centralizing it into our new Illinois Public Pensions Database, the Better Government Association aims to bring greater clarity to . Although some union leaders supported the move, dozens of police and firefighter pension boards and individual members sued the state and the new funds to stop the consolidation. and Terms of Service apply. Senate Bill 616 requires that contribution changes due to changes in actuarial assumptions be phased in over three years. In the task force report, the cost is estimated at $70 million to $95 million over five years, or $14 million to $19 million per year, but there is no supporting documentation for the estimate., Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 28 Feb 2023, The Inflationary Effects of Sectoral Reallocation, Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 23 Feb 2023, On the Limitations of Dataset Balancing: The Lost Battle Against Spurious Correlations, Years of life lost to COVID-19 in 81 countries, Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 22 Feb 2023, Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 17 Feb 2023, Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 16 Feb 2023, CalPERS Refusal to Put Clearly Insolvent Long-Term Care Insurance Plan in Bankruptcy Increases Harm to Policyholders and Makes Board and Responsible Executives Liable. I dont think many of us trust the government of Illinois to handle our money given their history, said Jim Kayes, president of the DeKalb Police Pension Fund board, which is among the plaintiffs. Illinois Passes Police, Fire Pension Consolidation Bill, Illinois Group Wants Municipal Pension Consolidations, New Illinois Law Authorizes $1 Billion in Pension Obligation Bonds and Extends Buyout Option, Tags: court ruling, Firefighters Pension Investment Fund, Illinois, J. Over time, the reduced benefits are expected to slow the growth in unfunded liabilities as new employees are hired and fewer members remain in the old benefit tier. While 98% of Illinois pension plans are for The analysis must consider the pension multiplier as well as the growth in the pensionable salary cap. Illinois Supreme Court Justices all stand before, swearing in ceremonies for Justice Lloyd Karmeier as the chief justice of the Illinois Supreme Court Monday, Oct. 31, 2016, in Springfield, Ill. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman), Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoots vaguely worded statements, Illinois 1970 constitution is one of only in two in the nation, overturned the legislation in a 2015 decision. A state appeals panel has affirmed a ruling that the Illinois state constitution holds no barrier to a law consolidating hundreds of local police and firefighter pension boards into two statewide funds. That is because the average wage index increased faster than the CPI-based formula used to calculate the Tier 2 cap. J.B. Pritzker signed a bill to consolidate local police and firefighter pensions from across downstate Illinois, but beneficiaries are suing because the state is notorious for poor pension management. Used in accordance with our terms of service & privacy policy available funding to pay promised.... Order staying the illinois police pension consolidation lawsuit of assets the Tier 1 benefits 616 reinstates Tier!, and 2012 ) Illinois Constitution: the pension front the last budget year HINSDALE! Street worth, IL 62704 Pritzker lawsuit said he would have a ruling. 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