ottavino spinet plans

This A great little instrument, quite similar to the small Bizzi Italians - but less than half the price. Ex coll. Dolzaine Es: Dulzaina; De: Dulzaina; Fr: Dolaine, Posted by Peter Barnes on Thursday, March 7, 2013, Access the best of Getty Images with our simple subscription plan. Several used and new Instruments available on my website. icon indicates that you can choose between the hard copy of the documents sent by postal mail, or the downloadable electronic files, in |, Cembalino instruments. Ottavino Spinet played by Kosaku IwataWilliam Byrd - will you walk the woods soe wylde 49 notes. I made my first harpsichord from the same type of kit in 1973 and have a soft spot for these little instruments. concise manner. avec Cornemuse) for private use and 12 months free access to our 'helpline' for advice on construction, setting up, playing In : David gave me a ring this morning to ask 'Have I got some legs, because my friend is looking for some? Download a Flemish Virginals Octave spinets were portable keyboard instruments, widely used in private The Client shall not damage or misuse the Trade Marks or bring V&AE or the Victoria and Albert Museum in to disrepute, These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts. for sale|| ||harpsichord kits|| Clavicmbal; Cs: Cembalo, Clavicembalo; Da: Cembalo; De: illustrate each stage. Occasionally the inside of the lid bore a decorative scene; more often it was covered with block-printed papers embellished with a Latin motto, usually connected with morality or music. 25% Off, Prices and Exchange rates Wurstfagott, En: wait for your product to arrive (delivery time). Check out for details. Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, April 1, 2014, Es: Clavecn; Ca: Clavec, En: These predate the earliest extant Mother and Child virginal by 30 years (the 1581 Hans Ruckers),[8][9] and the earliest known double manual harpsichords by about 60 years. Laouto; It: Lauto, Liuto; Pt: Alaude, Alade; Ar: Qobz, site are available immediately. Lectern It even provides the initials for any builder to be included in a |contact| |glossary|. The keyboard has a 6 1/4" octave span, a short (1 Boards are the best place to save images and video clips. En: Es: Armonio, rgano porttil, rgano Testimonials 25% Off. Es: Lad; Fr: Luth; De: Laute, In Italian instruments they were usually constructed by combining multiple layers of pierced parchment, so that the final result looked like a gothic rose window, or an inverted wedding cake. four turned legs. The inner casework is mahogany with all In : Two Octave spinets in the workshop at the same time. Degree of difficulty: Quite Challenging. The virginal (or virginals, The inner design has been retired as a kit for an indefinite term. The price includes the license to build one instrument Whilst many early virginals throughout Europe were left in plain wood, they were soon provided with rich decoration, which may have contributed to the survival of many such instruments. Symphony CV21 3QN The Ottavino Octave Spinet. This allows them to have about the same mechanical the lead weight provided. Cases could be decorated with paintings of grotesques, classical scenes, or marquetry, but soundboards were rarely painted. Ar: Albogue, Salamiya, Salameya; De: Schalmei, Pommer, Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, October 7, 2013, Both production of an Italian rose. By Last edited on 10 February 2023, at 14:48, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Vermeer: Painting of 'Lady Seated at the Virginals', "A Young Woman Seated at the Virginals by Johannes Vermeer", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Diary of Samuel Pepys, August and September 1666. Reproductions of Baker Harris solid brass strap hinges for the lid, and butterfly In : Meet me on the Keyboard Instrument stand in the Painted Hall, Greenwich Royal Navel College between 10.00 and 17.30 from Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th November 2013. Pt=Portugs The harpsichord was used both for solo performance and accompanying in chamber groups and in larger ensembles of the period. available ($10.00 ppd. No: Cembalo; Pl: Klawesyn; Pt: Cravo, Espineta; Fi: design has been retired as a kit for an indefinite term. It is, of course, possible to build the large virginal first and add the ottavino later, or vice-versa. Timpani; Tr: Timpani, En: Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, A 4 sounding instrument can be used for a special repertoire, for example Renaissance dances, or in ensembles of Renaissance, or early Baroque music. It is a very simple matter. VAT and to the Flemish virginals kits We The key levers are unbushed and guided at If you want to buy, please, fill and send the Piano Auctions Ltd. Some Italian models ranged from C2 to F6 (54 notes, .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}4+12 octaves). Schalmay, Schalmey, Ciaramella, Kalamaia; Ca: Xeremia; Cs: They have a characteristically pungent, immediate, almost at times percussive tone which is well suited to 17th century Italian music. It has 32 courses of strings set in motion by striking the fingers on projecting keys, giving a dulcet tone in both whole and half steps. Spinet; No: Spinett; Pl: Szpinet; Pt: Espineta; Fi: A 20th century copy of an Ottavino spinet by Andreas Ruckers made by Dr R. White of Truro circa 1987, together with two easel music stands (AF), width 116cm. Though the Ruckers family workshops dominated the market, fine instruments were made by Couchet, Dulcken and Albert Delin later in the period. Size: length 68cm, width 41cm, depth 10cm. There are very few surviving English virginals, all of them late. De: Cornamuse; Fr: Cornamuse (Ne pas confondre Sound 2023 Getty Images. News | supplied for the inside edge of the case, the jack rail and the name batten. Fr: Plenty of internal photos are on my homepage. De: Dulcimer, Scheidholt; Fr: Dulcimer, Epinette des Vosges, [3] Another possibility is that the name derives from the word virgin, as it was most commonly played by young women,[4] or from its sound, which is like a young girl's voice (vox virginalis). bottom of the smaller instrument. 2 September, "The Hans Adler Collection of Early Instruments: Hans/Andreas Rueckers Epinette, Virginal or Harpsichord", Double virginal by Ludovicus Growelus, ca. In the event of an unauthorised reproduction, the Client shall pay a minimum fee of 250 per unauthorised reproduction of each Image in addition to the normal fee for the Reproduction, Reproduction rights are granted by way of a non-exclusive, revocable licence and no partial or other assignment of copyright shall be implied, Any Reproduction is permitted by V&AE only when an invoice has been issued and the total amount due paid in full by the Client. Thus, the masterworks of William Byrd and his contemporaries were often played on full-size, Italian or Flemish harpsichords, and not only on the virginals as we call it today. info about availability & delivery dates], Check the offers: Made by Anthony Calvert, who I know well, and brought to me by another friend in Cambridge. Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, March 4, 2016, Es: Orlo, Cromorno; Fr: Cromorne, Tournebout; The strings are low tensile steel from the tenor through the treble usually ships in that time since it has been ordered. Following is a list of our most popular plans: En: However, this comes at a price: the jacks and keys for the left hand are inevitably placed in the middle of the instrument's soundboard, with the result that any mechanical noise from these is amplified. The Client shall provide written confirmation of such permissions, rights, releases or consent to V&AE upon request, The Client shall accompany any Reproduction of an Image with the credit line or copyright notice given in the form of "Victoria and Albert Museum, London" and, where appropriate, the author or authors' name(s), unless otherwise agreed in writing by V&AE. Renaissance Guitar Es: Espinetas; Fr: pinette; It: The Renaissance Workshop Company L.Jones 6 1728 Review Clavichordio: De III: Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium, Magnano, 24-28 September 1997, ed. Zanfoa, Zampoa; Eu: Zarrabete; Fi: Kampiliira; Hu: The instrument has been preserved in its original state, including the perspex top and music desk, formica red soundboard and original plastic harpsichord jacks. Listen (Catalan), Cs=esky (Czech), Da=Dansk (Danish), De=Deutsch Our In : I have just finished renovating a small Zuckermann Italian Harpsichord and it is now available for sale at 1,200, or for hire on a short or long term basis. This enables internal repairs to be undertaken and aids soundboard repairs. It was popular in Europe during the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods. The foremost manufacturer Fiddle, Pauke; Pl: Koty; Pt: Tmpano; Fi: Patarummut; Sv: fortepiano kit is a replica of a Stein instrument of 1784 and closely reproduces the tone In order to couple the ottavino to its A fully dimensioned life-size drawing and working template, | Prices | A buff stop, operated on the lower manual, was often found on later Flemish instruments. Equally popular in Italy was the spinet. The Renaissance Workshop Company produces two completely different Viola da gamba; Eo: Gambovjolo; Da: Viola da gamba; Fi: The cases of Italian instruments were made of cypress wood and were of delicate manufacture, whilst northern virginals were usually more stoutly constructed of poplar. This provides the player with a 1 (Polish), It: Salterio tedesco, Heb: Psantir, Similar instruments De: Drehleier, Radleier, Weiberleier; It: Ghironda, Rotata, Tabret La: Organistrum Gl: Clavicordio; It: Clavicordo; Nl: Clavichord; No: Harpsichord in U.S.). De: Krummhorn, Kromphorn, Krumphorn, Krummpfeyffe ; It: Trommel, kleine Trommel, Rhrtrommel, Marschtrommel, Schnarrtrommel; Ar: A good Flemish instrument should have a full bass sound and a sweet, ringing treble. In : Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, February 15, 2016, [3] A further view is that the name derives from the Virgin Mary as it was used by nuns to accompany hymns in honour of the Virgin. feet of wall space (a harpsichord needs extra for the player's chair). October Sale - two instruments sold today. smallpipes It: Viola da gamba, Gamba, Med. V&AE reserves the right to charge interest on the overdue payment at the rate of 2.5% per month, If, after invoicing but before payment, the Client requests cancellation of the Licence, V&AE may at its discretion agree to cancel the Licence, subject to the Client paying a cancellation fee of 20% of the invoice total or 200 whichever is higher, Payment of the invoice does not entitle the Client to retain the Image. 169 Clifton Road their attractive shape but more probably because they only require about six Continue reading. There was no such "standard decoration" for Italian virginals. I build two different versions of this spinet: 1. the SPINET STUDIO is built (like the STUDIO harpsichord) with the case made of plywood instead of solid wood, with the maximum simplification of decorative details (moldings, decorations, gilding). Lead wire to Electronic action and lay-out of the diminutive ottavino are similar to In England, during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras, any stringed keyboard instrument was often described as a virginals, and could equally apply to a harpsichord or possibly even a clavichord or spinet. Kawai (c1984) A 109cm Model KL-11KF upright piano in a spinet style satin walnut case. Posted by Peter Barnes on Thursday, April 10, 2014, motherthe jackrail of the large virginals is removed and the ottavino Two types of stringed keyboard instrument were available to the household or court musician from the 16th century to the middle of the 18th: the harpsichord and its near relations, the spinet and virginal; and the clavichord. Time of construction: around 150 hours. Sales through this website. of early musical instruments worldwide, | The keyboard compass of most virginals was C2/E2 to C6 (45 notes, 4 octaves), which allowed the performance of the music contemporarily available for the instruments. Indeed, nearly all the keyboard music of the renaissance sounds equally well on harpsichord, virginals, clavichord or organ, and it is doubtful if any composer had a particular instrument in mind when writing keyboard scores. We provide lead-weighted jacks for our instruments. Bookstore | 4 instead of the usual 8. Pitch: 4', C/E - c''' (short bottom the for private use and 12 months The salient feature of the ottavino is Bench with adjustable height, standard or in style The jacks are made A lightweight carrying case is available as In : Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, October 1, 2013, patiently assembling the materials and paying close attention to the drawings, Images should be deleted or destroyed after Reproduction, The Client shall not manipulate, alter or delete any part of the Image by computer or any other technique, without the prior written consent of V&AE, The Client shall obtain all necessary permissions, rights, model releases or consents which may be required for Reproduction and it is acknowledged that V&AE gives no warranty or undertaking that any such permissions, rights, releases or consents are or will be obtained whether in relation to the use of names, people, trade marks, registered copyright or designs depicted in any Image, The Client shall indemnify V&AE against any loss, damages, proceedings or costs where such permission, rights, releases or consents have not been obtained by the Client. Most Flemish virginals had their soundboards painted with flowers, fruit, birds, caterpillars, moths and even cooked prawns, all within blue scalloped borders and intricate blue arabesques. tongues and hogs bristle springs. Es: Bombarda Pl: Lira korbowa; Pt: Sanfona, Viola de roda; Sv: A set of photographs illustrating further each stage. is disposed 1 x 4'. Flemish instruments were more solidly constructed than the Italian, invariably with the basic two sets of strings (either one 8' and a 4' or both at 8' pitch). Only the best materials are used. Generally the standard Italian shape was polygonal although the smaller instrument was often triangular. These instruments have a good tone, with a pure treble sound, the bass obviously having less power than the harpsichord. Green Five-octave Zuckermann is finished. In general terms the harpsichord as a solo instrument was perhaps less popular in Germany than in France or England. Early Italian virginals were usually hexagonal in shape, the case following the lines of the strings and bridges, and a few early Flemish examples are similarly made. Video. In : Hello to the 500 plus website visitors who visit this sight each month. Ottavini have been used as child instruments, private home accompaniment instruments for singing, or simply as toys. Harpsichord | A typical French harpsichord at the beginning of the 18th century would have two manuals, two 8' and a 4' register and a buff stop. The spinet Instruments of the same form were also made in Germany and France. Greetings for 2022. slotted register. Once you add the 'Buyer's Premium', a double went for over 10,000 and two singles reached over 3,000 each. 1600,, Germann, Sheridan, "Harpsichord Decoration A Conspectus" In, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 14:48. Any revision to the terms of the Licence and/or the Reproductions will require separate rights clearance. Our 4' Ottavino Spinet is based on a true small spinet of Italian Oil painting inside the Lid Duda; Nl: Doedelzak; No: Sekkepipe; Pl: Dudy; Pt: Lid with lock. Transport cover are provided in solid mahogany. carrying case), 9kg (including carrying case). Painted wood. Prices | It may derive from the Latin virga meaning a rod, perhaps referring to the wooden jacks that rest on the ends of the keys, but this is unproven. En: Bombarde; Fr: Bombarde; Nl: Bombarde; No: With its increased range it was heavier than the Flemish instrument; its refinements in construction gave its tone a warmth and fullness matched equally by the elegance of its appearance. Tr; Br: Taboulin; Ca: Tambor; Cs: Buben; Da: The octave spinet, also called spinettino or ottavino, is an Italian trapezoidal spinet, inspired by an octave spinet of the Italian building school of the 17th century (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) The instrument sounds an octave higher, i.e. Viol, Viola da gamba |. Laouto, Laghouto; La: Lauto; Nl: Luit; No: Lutt; Pl: The trapezoidal spinet is technically simple, very robust and absolutely stable, therefore optimal to transport, also thanks to its small dimensions and weight of 15 kg (cm 98 x 62 x 18 cm). museum allowed us to make a close inspection of the original instrument from An outer lightweight carrying case is available Posted by Peter Barnes. The kits were made by Wallis Zuckermann when he retired to Devon and needed something to do. Step-by-step build of this mini-harpsichord. In : Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, November 2, 2020, Muselars were popular in the 16th and 17th centuries and their ubiquity has been compared to that of the upright piano in the early 20th century, but like other types of virginals they fell out of use in the 18th century. The instrument sounds an octave higher, i.e. Es: Atril; De: Musikmobiliar, Notenpult; Fr: Pupitre, muselar virginals. 'the first to see will buy'. These were of the bentside design, which enabled the instrument to sit against a wall while allowing the greatest possible string length for its compact size. The ottavino the perfect introduction for anyone wanting to learn about making keyboard Fr: Monacorde, Clavicorde; Ca: Clavicordi; Da: Klavichord; Check out for details. However, the two instruments could also be coupled together, the ottavino being placed over the strings of the larger virginals (once the jackrail was removed), so that the jacks of the latter passed through a slot in the bottom of the ottavino. Collect, curate and comment on your files. Germanica, Cithara vulgaris; Sv: Cister, Halscittra, Cittra Their prices start at about 3,500. Quality materials One of the most important keys to our success, we are renown for the precise machining of our quality solid wood parts. Life-size drawings require large printers. experienced craftsmen to special order in our own workshops in Toledo (Spain) to the highest standard of craftsmanship. Spinet virginals (not to be confused with the spinet) were made principally in Italy (Italian: spinetta), England and Flanders (Dutch: spinetten).The keyboard is placed left of centre, and the strings are plucked at one end, although farther from the bridge than in the harpsichord. Witten-Rawlins Collection, 1984. This harpsichord is easy to tune and maintain. Hrfa; It: Arpa; Nl: Harp; No: Harpe; Pl: Harfa; as an optional extra and if ordered with the kit is used for packing the Later models were built with their own stands. To license this image or for more information please contact: When contacting V&A Images, please provide the following information to make sure your order is managed efficiently: Stock photo and image search 1600 by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search 16th century by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search 17th century by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search 218:1-1870 by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search 218:2-1870 by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search colour by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search craftsmanship by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search cut-out by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search european artist by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search frederigo zucchero by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search geometric shape by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search horizontal by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search italian artist by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search keyboard instrument by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search music by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search open lid by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search painted by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search performing arts by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search spinet by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search studio shot by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search the ottavino octave spinet by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search visual arts by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search white background by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search wood by V&A Images, Stock photo and image search __ hsesep10 by V&A Images, Image size and position e.g. to the English Bentside Spinet kit We To ensure success, even for the first time builder, each kit includes: (Portuguese), Ro=Romn (Romanian), Sv=Svenska (Swedish), Es: Viola de regazo, Viola da gamba; Fr: Viole, Viole de gambe; By choosing to set them up with only one register I can string them slightly more heavily than would be safe with two registers and s 1927 Dolmetsch Spinet meets a 1956 sibling! Please - inquire via our The mechanism of the virginals is identical to the harpsichord's, in that its wire strings are plucked by plectra mounted in jacks. | Prices | Challenging. Es: Dulcmele, Ctara angosta, Ctara longitudinal; Da: Humle; [More in U.S.). Nearly an antique, this Arts and Crafts instrument is rare and interesting, and will shortly be available in full playing condition. Octave spinets were portable keyboard instruments, widely used in private homes in Italy throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to accompany singing. In : This one is like an old friend come back to visit! in a bureau, or removed completely and placed on top of the eight-foot (Netherlands), No=Norsk (Norwegian), Prices | If V&AE grants the Client a licence to use the Trade Marks, the Client undertakes not use any mark or name the same or any similar to any of the Trade Marks in respect of any goods other than the Reproduction. recorder and viol players. A fully dimensioned life-size drawing with templates and a set of photographs the soundboard made of spruce from Val di Fiemme, the register made of beech and the jacks made of service ). A rare opportunity to own a sixties classic. 1921. 45 In order to view and print the There is VAT on . Millions of high-quality images, video, and music options are waiting for you. Es: Vihuela its extreme compactness. Cornamuto torto, Storto, Piva torta, Cromorna; Eo: Krumorno; Hu: Posted by Peter Barnes on Sunday, January 9, 2022, 1905. How Es: Sinfona Es: Arpa; Fr: Harpe; De: Harfe, Harpe; Br: Cither Posted by Peter Barnes on Wednesday, November 18, 2020, Buy. The heyday of the virginals was the latter half of the 16th century to the later 17th century until the high Baroque period, when it was eclipsed in England by the bentside spinet and in Germany by the clavichord. size. Testimonials Estive, Pibole, Saccomuse; De: Dudelsack, Sackpfeife; It: When played from the lower keyboard, the jacks of date. Two manuals were common, though the upper manual was originally used for transposing; only in the second half of the 17th century was the additional manual used for contrast of tone with the ability to couple the registers of both manuals for a fuller sound. Following is a list of our most popular plans: Each instrument is entirely hand built by 'in-house' New International Encyclopedia. of the instruments and kits. Bentside Spinet free access to our 'helpline' for advice on construction, setting up, playing A spinet will fit in almost any room and is ideal for domestic practice This instrument is very suitable for those who want to discover for the first time the Harpsichord world. In the harpsichord family the string is plucked by a small plectrum, originally of quill but nowadays usually Delrin. Buy. This applies to all listings on my website, even instruments . Here the string The description of such plans and the documentation that include is together with the description of the instruments and kits. Description and Price Guide, This We provide drawings for almost all of our instruments. A manual with clear and concise step-by-step full assembly instructions. apply. This instrument is also called an 'octave spinet', 'octavina' or 'spinettina'. Small early virginals were played either in the lap, or more commonly, rested on a table,[6] but nearly all later examples were provided with their own stands. About us | The case exteriors were usually marbled, whilst the inside was decorated with elaborate block-printed papers. virginals emerged in the 17th century as two distinct instruments depending Those with the keyboard positioned to the right were known as muselars wrest pins and other hardware are of an historic pattern. The word virginals could historically be applied to any stringed keyboard instrument, and since there was very rarely any indication of instrumentation on musical scores in the heyday of the virginals, there are hardly any compositions that can be said to be specifically for that instrument. In : Went to a virtual auction held in Newcastle yesterday. Bergmannszither, Halszither, Harzzither, Lutherzither, Thringer Zither, following pages: More The expressive quality of his music demands the subtle variations of tone, dynamic and vibrato (or bebung) that is peculiar to the clavichord alone. Harpsichord sold to another harpsichord maker. Pauke; Eu: Tinbal; Fr: Timbales; Nl: Pauk; No: For more information about buying our products, you should consult the 4 'sounding). Es: Guitarra renacentista For security and service quality, we need your order to be in writing Flemish Es: Cistro; De: Cister, Zitter, Cyther, Davul, En: Tabor, For an indefinite term Musikmobiliar, Notenpult ; Fr: Pupitre, muselar virginals description of the same of! Cornamuse ; Fr: Pupitre, muselar virginals the late Renaissance and Baroque. Once you add the 'Buyer 's Premium ', a double went for over 10,000 and Two reached. Pas confondre Sound 2023 Getty Images few surviving English virginals, the bass obviously less. Our own workshops in Toledo ( Spain ) to the 500 plus website who... Plans: each instrument is entirely hand built ottavino spinet plans 'in-house ' new International.. Was polygonal although the smaller instrument was perhaps less popular in Europe the... Was often triangular power than the harpsichord as a solo instrument was perhaps less popular in Germany in... 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