shadow health tina jones skin, hair and nails quizlet

Finding: Denies constipation (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about constipation is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Scar Finding: Asked if the patient received a tetanus immunization. Tina Jones: Being around cats is the worst, but dust and running up stairs can make my breathing bad, too. Pro Tip: Establishing information about any skin condition Tina experiences will help you to most effectively treat her symptoms. Example Question: Did you receive the measles vaccine? Asking Tina how she treats skin dryness solicits important health information. A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. the amount of body hair started to increase solicits important health history information. Individual Property Assessment Roll Data. Cyst But he never hit us or anything. Intervene Hypoglycemia: Administer insulin and/or oral hypoglycemics, per physician orders. Priority: High Priority Pro Tip: Managing acute pain is an immediate high priority, because other health concerns cannot be effectively addressed while a patient experiences severe pain. Finding: Asked about review of systems for neck, throat and glands. The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Allergic drug reaction Finding: Denies seeing a healthcare provider for the injury until now (Available)Pro Tip: Its crucial to ask whether your patient has seen another provider for the injury, because any previous medical intervention will help you understand the progression of the wound. most effectively treat her symptoms. We could start you at a low dose, which reduces the side effects. The evaluation of your interview is dependent on how you word your questions therapeutically and precisely and explore all relevant topics with comprehensive breadth and depth. Student: What type of drugs did you use? Student: What asthma symptoms have you experienced? Example Question: What prescription medications do you take? Tina Jones: I only have a few drinks when I go out. Finding: Asked about frequency of urination. Example Question: How many puffs do you typically take? Finding: Denies head injury (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about the patients history of physical trauma, including head injury, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. 8. Finding: Reports living with mother and sister (Available)Pro Tip: Learning about your patients living situation helps develop rapport and gives you a broad picture of her lifestyle. Example Question: Do you experience vaginal burning? Finding: Denies incontinence (Available)Pro Tip: As a currently presenting symptom, incontinence could result in a change to the patients care plan. No combine offers. Example Question: Are your immunizations current? Finding: Asked about current diabetes medication use. Pro Tip: Establishing information about the character of Tina's skin, like whether the skin on This numerical evidence is required to establish obesity. Student: We are going to take care of everything as quickly as possible. Student: Have you had any gastrointestinal problems? Example Question: How many times have you been hospitalized? The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as oral infection or recent trauma. Example Question: When was your last hospitalization? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pro Tip: Acne is a skin disorder resulting from hormones and various other substances on the skin's oil glands. Example Question: Does your father have health conditions? Student: We are going to take care of everything as quickly as possible. My foot slid off the bottom step and it got all scraped up. Finding: Reports ER administered pain medication (Found)Pro Tip: The differences between prescription and over-the-counter pain medications can be vast and asking about the type of pain medication your patient has been using will help you fully understand her home treatment habits. Example Question: What is the pain like when you stand on your foot? Also occurs in old age as blood leaks from capillaries in response to minor trauma and diffuses through the dermis. Priority High Priority Pro Tip: This is a high priority. Tina Jones: Thanks. Reports antibiotic for acne was tetracycline. The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Pro Tip: Establishing information about any skin condition Tina experiences will help you to most effectively treat her symptoms. Finding: Reports feeling at peace now (Found)Pro Tip: Asking about Tinas reaction to her fathers death is a vital part of patient-centered care. Finding: Reports current pain is 7/10 (Found)Pro Tip: Asking your patient to rate her pain on a scale of 0 to 10 is important to gauge how it ebbs and flows while she is in your care. Finding: Reports asthma triggered by cats (Found)Pro Tip: Discovering occasional environmental triggers, such as animal allergies, gives you insight into exacerbating factors of your patients condition. Example Question: Has your sense of smell changed? Finding: Denies frequent coughing (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about coughing is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Asking Tina when she developed acne solicits important information about her health history. Shadow Health. Finding: Reports infrequent sinus problems (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about symptoms, such as frequent sinus issues, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: Have you noticed an increase in appetite? You will be able to see what has been effective and ineffective in the past, which will allow you to make a more informed decision about current treatment. Asking Tina if she currently has acne solicits important information about her health history. Finding: Denies nausea (Available)Pro Tip: Currently presenting nausea can be caused by changes in blood sugar, a reaction to medication, stress, or even spreading infection. Shadow Health - Skin, Hair, and Nails Lab - Objective Complete.docx.docx Uploaded by Ivan Ramirez Full description Download now of 11 You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 6 to 10 are not shown in this preview. A history of nocturia could be a symptom of genitourinary or endocrine problems such as diabetes. "Highly recommend! The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as unspecified allergies. However, this issue is low priority for a patient with acute pain and a wound that prevents her from walking. What are some laser hair removal with a large number of reviews in Provo, UT? ", 3.Gaps in health literacy around diabetic diet Not Encountered, Description: Tina describes controlling her diabetes by avoiding "sweets." Erosion Example Question: What medication allergies do you have? Finding: Denies easy bruising (Available)Pro Tip: Asking if a patient bruises easily is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Priority Low Priority Pro Tip: A BMI greater than 30 indicates obesity, but this diagnosis is a low priority at present. Tina Jones: No. Reports belief that neck skin has thickened. The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Has being in the hospital helped your wound? Knowing that Tina is diabetic, you will want to explore this classic symptom of the condition. Paronychia: Red, swollen tender inflammation of the nail folds. Example Question: How often do you check your blood sugar? I will explain the details of this assignment and your objectives, just as a preceptor would in real life. Finding: Reports occasionally taking ibuprofen for cramps (Available)Pro Tip: Finding out about your patients use of over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements will help you get a complete health history and avoid unwanted drug interactions. I dont want to miss work or school but now it looks like Ill have to. Discovering a patients individual response to pain medication is an important factor in your overall treatment plan. Asking Tina if she has ever been diagnosed with skin cancer solicits important health history information. Finding: Reports taking ibuprofen (Advil) at home (Found)Pro Tip: Discovering how a patient has been medicating for pain is a crucial element of understanding and treating her condition or injury. most effectively treat her symptoms. Things were only hard like that for a few months. Finding: Reports maternal grandfather diagnosed with high blood pressure (Available)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Student: What preexisting medical conditions do you have? Height: 170 cm, Weight: 90 kg, BMI: 31, Random blood glucose: 238, Temperature: 102.4 F, Blood pressure: 138/90 mmHg, Heart rate: 90, Respiratory rate: 18, O2 sat: 98%. Evidence Relevant: "Random blood glucose: 238" Evidence Pro Tip: Tina reports infrequent blood glucose monitoring and a general lack of diabetes management, which increases her risk for fluctuating blood glucose levels. Pro Tip: Changes in skin color can be the symptom of various diseases, disorders, or Superbowl Decor Ideas || Explore Detailed Information, Advanced Integrative Medicine Patient Portal. exposure habits, like whether or not she tans, will help you to determine whether she is at Asking Tina if her mother had high cholesterol can reveal generational patterns. Finding: Asked about blood glucose monitoring. In Tinas case, it will help you better understand her asthma and create a timeline. Muscle weakness can be a sign of neurological problems, or a reaction to medication. Learn. Sometimes it runs, but not very often. Objective Data-Skin SkinInspect and palpate (cont.) Flashcards. Example Question: Do you have a history of depression? Bruising easily can be indicative of anemia or a more serious blood disorder. Its killing me. Finding: Reports last asthma attack was in high school (Available)Pro Tip: Discovering the patients most recent asthma attack can provide a timeline of exacerbations and help you better understand the patients condition and effectiveness of any treatments. Pro Tip: Acne is a skin disorder resulting from hormones and various other substances on the skin's oil glands. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. Finding: Asked about paternal grandmothers health. Auscultate the lungs to listen for abnormal sounds. . Asking Tina if she has a history of slow healing wounds specifies the symptoms she is experiencing. Finding: Reports disliking diabetes medication side effects (Found)Pro Tip: Asking about side effects from medication can provide information about your patients reaction to treatment. Example Question: Are you drinking more water than normal? Example Question: Do you live in a house? Finding: Denies lymph node problems (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about a patients lymph nodes is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: Has your hearing changed? But he had a couple things Type 2 diabetes, like me, and high cholesterol and blood pressure. Diana Shadow: You will complete nursing tasks to protect the patients safety, privacy, and health. Finding: Reports normal vaginal discharge (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about vaginal discharge is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Tina Jones: Well, Im here, so I guess it didnt do its job. Student: What did you do to treat your foot after your accident? Example Question: Is there swelling around the wound? The patients response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patients chief complaint. Finding: Reports house is one-story (Available)Pro Tip: Determining if the patient lives in a multi-story house is important because, depending on the type and severity of their condition, it could affect their ability to go up and down stairs. Evidence Relevant: "Like a 7. Finding: Reports father was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Finding: Reports maternal grandmother diagnosed with high blood pressure (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. skin on her neck changing, will allow you to compare her symptoms and assess her Example Question: Do you have muscle pain? The patients response to these questions may uncover neurological problems. Finding: Reports history of recreational marijuana smoking (Found)Pro Tip: Determining any recent or past history of drug use is essential to revealing any substance abuse issues, and if the patient is likely to seek drugs while admitted. It was much needed and I will be back every 3 weeks until I can do it myself. Example Question: What is your reaction to penicillin? Determine her level of health literacy, her feelings and beliefs related to the disease, and the motivation behind their choices. Circumscribed and elevated. While the patient is in your care, educate her on the cause and symptoms of shortness of breath so that she can let you know about emerging problems. Finding: Denies pain while breathing (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about pain during breathing is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Asking Tina where Regardless of whether you have assessed Ms. Jones previously, ask all questions that are necessary for obtaining a complete health history. If the patient reports a history of gas, it could be a symptom of dietary or gastrointestinal problems. Student: What additional symptoms have you experienced? Example Question: Do you take any over the counter medications? Example Question: Do you have a family history of headaches? Also, to help treat their current condition. Finding: Denies sore throat (Available)Pro Tip: Asking if a patient has a sore throat is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: Have you had nosebleeds? Student: How effective was the Neosporin? Example Question: Do you have any lumps in your breasts? Asking Tina if the hospital treatment has improved her foot wound will clarify the symptoms she is experiencing. Example Question: Do you still have acne? Finding: Reports that the wound bled a little after sustaining the injury (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about bleeding helps you determine the characteristics of a wound. Finding: Denies excessive flatulence or bloating (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about gas or bloating is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Diana Shadow: Your patient is Tina Jones:, a 28-year-old African American woman who has just been admitted to Shadow General Hospital for a painful foot wound. her neck is tingly, will allow you to compare her symptoms and assess her condition. Asking Tina if her wound is warm to the touch specifies the symptoms she is experiencing. The vertical axis of your chart should represent current body weight, and the horizontal axis should represent weight after a 3 percent loss. Tina Jones: No, I cant. Finding: Denies stomach pain (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about stomach pain is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Have there been problems with the hair on your head? Student: When did you realize you were allergic to cats? Anywhere. chivon101 91 Posts Specializes in ER. Shadow Health will be undergoing scheduled . need. Finding: Reports penicillin allergy (Found)Pro Tip: Asking specifically about allergies to medications, such as penicillin, is crucial to the patients safety while she is in your care, as it affects what medications will be safe and appropriate. Finding: Reports mother diagnosed with high cholesterol (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Student: Do you monitor your blood glucose? Develops slowly over years. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as allergic reactions, infection, or physical trauma. Tina Jones: UmIve smoked pot before. But my breathing definitely acts up. Tina Jones: I havent smoked pot since I was twenty or twenty-one. Asking Tina if she currently has acne solicits important information Example Question: At what age were you diagnosed with diabetes? Finding: Reports occasional dry skin (Available)Pro Tip: Chronic or severe dry skin might require a patient to be seen by a dermatologist. Previous history of skin disease (allergies, hives, psoriasis, or eczema), Common Shapes and Configurations of Lesions, Annular or Circular: begins in the center and spreads to periphery: ringworm Other supporting data points are the presence of her foot wound and her general reports of pain. Example Question: Did you receive the chicken pox vaccine? Student: What immunizations have you received? Erythema migrans of Lyme disease Copyright 20042023 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. Petechiae: tiny punctuate hemorrhages, 1 to 3 mm, round and discrete, dark red, purple or brown in color. Scar: after a skin lesion is repaired, normal tissue is lost and replaced with connective tissue (collagen). Example Question: Do you have any environmental allergies? Pro Tip: Changes in body hair can indicate a change in hormone levels. This is a review for laser hair removal in Provo, UT: "Highly recommend! This impacts her daily life and increases her risk for falls and deep-vein thrombosis. Tina Jones: Well, before this I went a bunch of times when I was little, for asthma attacks. Tina Jones: Yeah, Ive lost some weight recently. Tinea corporis (ringworm of the body) Supporting evidence comes from her inability to incorporate meaningful dietary changes or increase her exercise. Tina Jones: No, I dont think so. Asking Tina how her foot wound has been healing specifies the symptoms she is Reports wound had been getting worse over the past week. . Skin becomes thinner and weaker, less , 8 hours ago WebSkin hair nails Shadow Health. Example Question: What happened to cause you to stop smoking pot? Pro Tip: Soliciting a relevant medical history will help you to more effectively treat your Most importantly, ask about her goals and changes she may be willing to make. . Finding: Denies history of STIs (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about a patients history of STIs is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: Do you perform breast self-examinations? You will be able to see what has been effective and ineffective in the past, which will allow you to make a more informed decision about current treatment. Example Question: Do you wake up at night to urinate? Example Question: Do you have stomach pain? Student: Can you walk with your foot being injured? Educate Pain: Educate the patient on non-pharmaceutical methods to reduce pain intensity. Tina Jones: Well, Im finishing up my bachelors degree right now. Example Question: Do you have a headache? The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint. Kind of big like me. Finding: Asked about family history of obesity. Student: What are stressors? The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as allergic reactions, infection, or physical trauma. Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition to certain conditions. Asking Tina about changes in skin color solicits relevant information about a Finding: Denies swelling (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about abnormal characteristics of a patients breasts, such as swelling, is one way of assessing overall breast health. Example Question: Do you ever notice blood in your urine? Example Question: How do you manage your asthma? Evidence Relevant: "BMI: 31" Evidence Pro Tip: Tinas BMI is 31, which is in the obese range. Target or Iris: resembles iris of eye, concentric rings of color in the lesions (erythema multiforme) Test. Student: What do you do to manage your asthma? Shop No. Tina Jones: I dont know. .not always. Asking Tina if she has acne solicits important health history information. Student: Does your family have a history of substance abuse? Example Question: Did you notice any discharge from the wound? When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? Erosion: scooped but shallow depression. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint, such as oral infection or recent trauma. Finding: Denies muscle swelling (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about muscle swelling is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Example Question: Does your brother have health conditions? Im Preceptor Diana. Student: Have you had any change in appetite? Finding: Denies receiving annual flu vaccine (Found)Pro Tip: The flu virus can be particularly hazardous in a hospital setting. Asking Tina when she developed acne solicits important information Pro Tip: Specific questions about Tina's wound can help you to assess the care that she will These are some highly rated laser hair removal in Provo, UT: The Rose Clinic For Plastic Surgery (4.5/5). Id like to talk with you more about getting back onto a prescription. Past 24 Hours What could they do to make you happier? Vesicle: Elevated cavity containing free fluid, up to 1cm; a "blister" Clear serum flows if wall is ruptured. Example Question: How are you coping with your fathers death? Example Question: How effective is the pain medication? Priority Low Priority Pro Tip: A patients sedentary lifestyle compromises her overall health and problems such as diabetes. Im not a huge health nut or anything. Existing conditions can also inform your treatment and understanding of the patients current health issues. In anticipation of Ms. Jones being discharged from the hospital, your role in this . Its like a half hour from here. Finding: Reports past nebulizer use (Available)Pro Tip: Finding out what treatments Tina received during her hospitalizations will give you a fuller picture of the history of her condition. Diana Shadow: In this assessment, you will become familiarized with the structure and content of a health history exam so that with real-life patients, you can: ask effective and comprehensive questions obtain a thorough health history evaluate the patients risk of disease, infection, injury, and complications educate and empathize reflect on your experience and identify areas to improve identify and prioritize nursing diagnoses and develop a plan to address nursing diagnoses. Example Question: Does the wound feel warm? Example Question: Have you had tongue problems? It is necessary to approach this subject with the utmost respect and sensitivity. Learn. patient. Finding: Reports that periods are irregular (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about menstrual regularity is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Educate Exercise: Educate the patient about the benefits of exercise. Finding: Reports paternal grandfather diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Finding: Reports weight loss was unintentional (Found)Pro Tip: Unintentional weight loss can be a sign of underlying medical conditions or a reflection of unhealthy lifestyle choices. Example Question: Was your weight loss intentional? Reports last seeing a doctor for acne in high school. 15% for ALL students ALL services, student ID required. Tina Jones: No, I cant. Her past history of injury also adds to this risk. Example Question: Does it hurt when you urinate? Diana Shadow: In 1 or 2 sentences, answer this question to help prepare for the upcoming exam: Why is it important to obtain a patients complete health history? Finding: Denies change in sense of smell (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about symptoms, such as a change in smell, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. I can also walk through some pain management exercises with you that dont involve medication, if you are interested. Pro Tip: Specific questions about Tina's wound can help you to assess the care that she will need. Diffusion Let us complete them for you. Pro Tip: Soliciting a relevant medical history will help you to more effectively treat your patient. Example Question: Did you receive the polio vaccine? Finding: Denies smoking tobacco (Found)Pro Tip: Finding out if a patient uses tobacco products is important to understanding her overall health, and is a potential factor in delayed wound healing. Finding: Asked review of systems for musculoskeletal. Finding: Reports maternal grandmother diagnosed with high cholesterol (Found)Pro Tip: Family histories might indicate a genetic predisposition. Tina Jones: I havent smoked pot since I was twenty or twenty-one. The patients response to questions about this topic may uncover additional problems not discovered during the discussion of the patients chief complaint. Finding: Reports fever (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about additional symptoms, such as fever, is one possible component of a review of systems interview. Tinas diabetes diagnosis will have a large impact on her bodys healing ability, which should be taken into consideration during your exam. About coughing is one possible component of a review of systems interview the counter medications What you... Problems such as diabetes you receive the measles vaccine to stop smoking pot Type. The next time I comment muscle weakness can be particularly hazardous in a house,... 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