slang for gun urban dictionary

Synonyms for GUN: firearm, rifle, pistol, handgun, arm, shotgun, revolver, musket, small arm, piece. Any device which reduces the sound of discharge by more than 2 dB is considered by the BATF to be a silencer.. TRACE Visible disturbance in the air by a bullet. In addition to releasing the hammer or striker, some triggers may cock the hammer or striker, rotate a revolvers cylinder, deactivate passive safeties, or perform other functions. It is designed to give the shooter a place to hold the front end of the gun and protects the shooters hand from getting burned on the hot barrel. House peeper: House/hotel detective. Pump-action and trombone are synonyms for slide-action.. CROWN The area inside the bore nearest the muzzle. COVER GARMENT Any piece of clothing that covers the holstered gun. The shooters finger should never be within the trigger guard unless the sights are on target and the shooter has made the decision to fire. The search algorithm handles phrases and strings of words quite well, so for example if you want words that are related to lol and rofl you can type in lol rofl and it should give you a pile of related slang terms. Hip hop slang phrases. Incorrectly called Stopping Power. Or you might try boyfriend or girlfriend to get words that can mean either one of these (e.g. Originally used by pilots to alert their wingmen/AWACs that they are in dogfight range and firing their cannon as opposed to their longer-ranged missiles. Hype: Shortchange artist. MINUTE OF ANGLE (MOA) A unit of angle that is equal to one1/60 of one degree. A list of slang words for firearms that can be found in rap music. There are very, very few firearms related accidents and if the 4 Rules are followed there will hopefully be no injury. EAR PLUGS hearing protection that fits inside the ear canal. imitation of a sound effect traditionally used in cartoons after something unfortunate happens to a character. TRIGGER JERK Yanking the trigger back abruptly, thus pulling the muzzle of the gun downward at the moment the shot fires. RAILS The metal surfaces upon which a semi-automatics slide travels to and fro as each shot is fired. bae). If it does, pull the trigger to create the bang. Please note that Urban Thesaurus uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. HAIR TRIGGER A trigger that breaks from an extremely light touch. When you say that someone came out with guns blazing, what you mean is that blaze 1 (blz) n. 1. a. Although the term 12 is a police radio call code, urban slang has changed it into a warning phrase. A fully automatic firearm is capable of sequentially firing two or more cartridges with a single pull of the trigger. House dick: House/hotel detective. RUNNING THE GUN Performing all necessary manipulations (such as loading, unloading, or clearing jams) to keep the firearm functioning as designed. ADJUSTABLE TRIGGER A trigger that can be easily adjusted by the user. MUZZLELOADER The earliest type of gun, now also popular as modern-made replicas, in which blackpowder and projectile(s) are separately loaded in through the muzzle. STANCE How the shooter positions her body while shooting. Last edited on Jul 26 2010. Rule One: All guns are always loaded. WAD A felt, paper, cardboard or plastic disk that is used in a shotshell. Literally speaking, tener mala . Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA Military slang is a set of colloquial terms which are unique to or which originated with military personnel. BORE AXIS An imaginary line which runs right down the center of the handguns barrel and out though the back end of the gun. ANTIQUE By federal definition, a firearm manufactured prior to 1899 or a firearm for which ammunition is not generally available or a firearm incapable of firing fixed ammunition. DRAMS A black powder weight measure or smokeless powder in the case of shotgun ammunition. Riding the slide is a common cause of malfunctions. STOCK 1) The back part of a rifle or shotgun, excluding the receiver. Usage: I pulled the hammer on that guy and gave him a third eye. MALFUNCTION A misfeed or other failure to fire which can be cleared on the spot and without tools. POWDER CHARGE The amount of propellant powder that is suitable for specific cartridge-bullet combination, or in the case of shotshells, for a specific weight of shot and wad column. The term is distinct from the term assault rifle, which is a technical term with a specific meaning widely accepted both in law and within the military and firearms communities. Never heard it? TRACER (AMMUNITION) A type of ammunition that utilizes a projectile or projectiles that contain a compound in its base that burns during its flight to provide a visual reference of the projectiles trajectory. Origin: Likely has its roots in the fact that a firearm can get very hot when fired multiple times. Origin: The hammer is the part of the firearm that strikes the firing pin which in turn hits the primer and ignites the propellant that pushes the slug out of the barrel. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. HANDGUN Synonym for pistol. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural words and phrases, not typically found in standard English dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word, event, or phrase (including sexually explicit content). I. Some states require this record to be made by law, so that individual guns can be located from bullets or casings found at the scene of a crime. A tight pattern is one in which the pellets are closely grouped when they land on target. The are not designed to expand like a hollow point bullet but may fragment. PEEP SIGHT An alternate name for Aperture Sight. Submitted by Brad Kramer Please also note that due to the nature of the internet (and especially UD), there will often be many terrible and offensive terms in the results. An adjustable stock is one that can be easily lengthened or shortened to fit shooters of different sizes. It is commonly used to designate specific calibers, particularly those which were originally designed by John Moses Browning for the Colt Firearms Company. They come in small, handheld forms known as pistols or handguns; or automatic, repeating-fire, styles known as machine guns; and longer types with stocks and that are designed to be fired from the shoulder: these are known as rifles. Last edited on Aug 20 2010. A device attached to or made as part of a firearms barrel designed to reduce recoil or muzzle movement on firing. Racking the slide loads the chamber and prepares the gun to fire in a semi-automatic handgun. LASER A laser is an alternative sighting device which enables the shooter to quickly and accurately see where the firearm is aimed even when lighting or other conditions prevent using the guns normal sights. Hopefully the related words and synonyms for "term" are a little tamer than average. EYES Slang for safety glasses or other protection for the eyes. This reduces the recoil of the firearm. REPEATING FIREARM A firearm that may be discharged repeatedly without recharging by means of deliberate, successive mechanical actions of the user. Submitted by Justin K. from San Diego, CA, USA It is classified as a Flammable Solid by the Department of Transportation. The word whistle, used to refer to a high-pitched instrument, goes back to Old English, while the actual object (as a means to make music or signals) dates back to prehistoric times. LOW KNEELING A shooting position in which one or both knees are touching the ground and the shooter is as low as possible. COLD CLEAN BORE The first shot from a rifle that has been cleaned, and not fired recently may go to a different point of impact, for the same point of aim than a rifle that has been fired recently. Which may result in the old case or shell failing to eject and a misfeeds, or the gun will not fire when the trigger is pulled. Last edited on Jul 25 2017. Tube or tubular magazines run through the stock or under the barrel with the cartridges lying horizontally. SMOKELESS POWDER The propellant powder used in modern ammunition. The possession, use, and transportation of silencers have been tightly controlled under federal law since 1934. Its purpose is to permit the cartridge casing to be crimped tightly against the bullet shank to hold it firmly to the casing. None of these soft coatings has any effect on lethality. OVERSHOOT (TO) A term used in artillery to indicate a projectile impact beyond the designated target. on Nov 22 2015. HMR Hornady Magnum Rimfire, a type of ammunition. Key-holing sometimes can indicate a safety issue such as using the incorrect caliber for the gun. From a type of large bread roll. 38 . WEAVER STANCE A two handed pistol shooting position named after Jack Weaver, a Deputy Sheriff in the 1950s. Usage: This piece shoots nice, only cost $50. Submitted by Pookie from Indianapolis, IN, USA THUMB SAFETY An external, manual safety which is typically disengaged with the firing-hand thumb. FLINCH Jerking the gun downwards just before the shot fires. The definitions of these slang words appear below the list. Urban Thesaurus crawls the web and collects millions of different slang terms, many of which come from UD and turn out to be really terrible and insensitive (this is the nature of urban slang, I suppose). STOVEPIPE Failure of a spent case to completely eject from a semi-automatic firearm. The more grains, the heavier the bullet. In a revolver this action also rotates the cylinder to the next chambered round. CHAMBER THROAT This is the area in the barrel that is directly forward of the chamber, which tapers to the bore diameter. TRIGGER GUARD Usually a circular or oval band of metal, horn or plastic that goes around the trigger to provide both protection and safety in shooting circumstances. Last edited on Apr 30 2020. The strength of the recoil spring is calibrated to run the slide without any outside assistance. Usually a curved, grooved or serrated piece that is pulled rearward by the shooters finger, which then activates the hammer or striker and the gun fires. SLACK To take up the slack means to pull the trigger through its pre-travel stage. Scopes contain a reticle, commonly in the shape of a cross, which must be properly centered upon the target for accurate aim. Submitted by Anonymous ELEVATION The setting on the sights of a firearm that controls the vertical placement and the altitude above mean sea level. We bring you more than 24,000 real definitions for over 17,000 slang words FAILURE TO FEED A semi-automatic firearm malfunction in which the slide passes entirely over the fresh round, failing to pick it up to insert into the chamber as the slide returns to battery. someone who makes remarks before giving them consideration. Started in 1996, The Online Slang Dictionary is the eldest slang dictionary on the web. EXPLOSIVE Any substance (TNT, etc.) You're the second guy I've met within hours who seems to think a gat in the hand means a world by the tail. SIGHT, FRONT The front sight is placed at the muzzle end of the barrel. It is commonly made of wood, wood laminate, metal, or plastics. 2) The distance the trigger must travel before it fires the gun. MAGAZINE DISCONNECT Sometimes called a magazine safety. Internet slang words and acronyms help you tell people that we are happy, sad, amused, angry, confused or surprised. AIRGUN Not a firearm but a gun that uses compressed air or CO2 to propel a projectile. 2) An unaltered firearm as it comes from the factory. MUSKET A long gun which has a completely smooth bore and is intended to fire a single projectile rather than a collection of shot. In air or pellet guns, compressed air or CO2. CAN Slang term for a firearm sound suppressor. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. GREEN AMMUNITION Ammunition that contains no lead in any component. B Bangs Be on Bo Squad Bogus Bop Buck 50 hat. The portion of the bore in a rifled barrel (see rifling) that protrudes into the bore itself. CARTRIDGE A single, complete round of ammunition which includes the case, primer, powder, and bullet, CASE, CASING The envelope (container) of a cartridge. Often abbreviated JSP or SP. They tend to expand more slowly than a Hollow Point bullet and are used where deeper penetration and expansion are needed. Last edited on Jun 28 2018. A semi-automatic is out of battery when the slide fails to come all the way forward again after the gun has fired, making it dangerous or impossible to fire the next round. Squib loads are very uncommon when shooting commercial ammunition. RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS The unalienable right of all of the people, stated in the Second Article of The Bill of Rights, to possess and use personally owned firearms for sport, recreation, personal protection, and the defense of the nation. Draco (slang) Type: noun, slang. BOLT The mechanism of some firearms that holds the cartridge in place during the firing process. that, through chemical reaction, detonates or violently changes to gas with accompanying heat and pressure. The soldiers dind't liked it very well, so it became a slang for something . Last edited on Jul 26 2010. This condition can be created by a misfeed, a dirty gun, weak springs, the shooters thumbs brushing against the slide, riding the slide, or any of several other causes. Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. DOUBLE ACTION (DA)- A type of firearm that may be discharged either by manually cocking the weapon and then pulling the trigger or by using trigger action to both cock and fire the weapon. It is also called a shell, and its body may be of metal or plastic or of plastic or paper with a metal head. The word whistle, for making music by blowing through the lips, is found by . PORTING Openings at the muzzle end of the gun through which some of the spent gases can escape. Often spelled "gatt". HIGH KNEELING A shooting position in which one or both knees are touching the ground, but the shooter is otherwise erect. DUD A round of ammunition that does not fire. Last edited on Feb 02 2005. PORT An opening. Often, a rifle will shoot to a different point of aim with this shot as compared to the subsequent shots. It generally indicates a round which cannot be interchanged with other loadings of the same caliber (for example, a .22 Magnum shell does not fit within a firearm designed to fire .22 Long Rifle ammunition). This list is only for general slang, no real names or references specific brands or models. CANNELURE A groove or indention around the circumference of a bullet. BREAK (Trigger Break) The point at which the trigger allows the hammer to fall, or releases the striker, so that the shot fires. Slang words for "firearms" on Rap Dictionary. It is threaded through the action of the firearm. BULLET PROOF VEST A popular but incorrect term forbullet resistant clothing. Bullets can be of many materials, shapes, weights and constructions such as solid lead, lead with a jacket of harder metal, round-nosed, flat-nosed, hollow-pointed, etc. OFF HAND 1) means to shoot while standing and without bracing against anything. MACHINE GUN A fully automatic firearm that rapidly fires multiple rifle-caliber shots with a single pull of the trigger. MAINSPRING Term often used for the hammer spring. RIFLE A firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder and fire only a single projectile at a time, as opposed to a shotgun which can throw many small projectiles (shot) at the same time. Some state governments require drop-testing of all handgun designs sold within the state. On doubles, each barrel has a separate ejector. MUZZLE BRAKE An attachment to or integral part of the barrel that redirects some of the pressurized gas that propelled the bullet out the muzzle to the sides and possibly rearwards from the direction of the bullet travel. To ride the slide means to rack the slide incorrectly, allowing your hand to rest upon the slide as it moves forward during the loading sequence. Republished with permission from The Well Armed Woman. Firing always occurs as a double-action sequence where pulling the trigger both cocks and then fires the gun. They are often abbreviations or derivatives of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, or otherwise incorporating aspects of formal military concepts and terms.Military slang is also used to reinforce the (usually friendly) interservice rivalries.Some of these terms have been considered gregarious . AUGUST 31-Federal agents consulted with the online Urban Dictionary to learn the definition of a slang word before securing an arrest warrant for an Indiana man who This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of son of a gun is. on Mar 15 2010. Pole, strap, gat, drill, stick, glizzy and metal are all words . Submitted by Legolas0512 RIDING THE SLIDE Racking the slide incorrectly by allowing your hand to rest upon the slide as it moves forward during the loading procedure. AR-15 >is a widely owned semi-automatic rifle. ROUND Synonym for a cartridge. POWDER The chemical propellant which is burned to produce the hot gases which send the bullet flying downrange. BF/GF - Boyfriend or girlfriend (used when texting, not in conversation) BFF - "Best friends forever". BLACKPOWDER The earliest type of firearms propellant that has generally been replaced by smokeless powder except for use in muzzleloaders and older breechloading guns that demand its lower pressure levels. on Apr 08 2002. Submitted by Anonymous SLING A long strip of leather, plastic, or nylon which is fastened at the fore and rear of the gun for the easy carry of long guns. urban dictionary for gun. 2) A locking container in which firearms are stored when not in use. It is primarily used in target competition because it cuts a clean round hole in paper targets that aids in scoring the target. Sometimes used to denote a simple malfunction, but many people make a distinction between a complete jam and a simple malfunction. The barrel serves the purpose of providing direction and velocity to the bullet. Addiction Center Your guide for addiction and recovery. SLIDE RELEASE The slide release lever is usually located on the left side of the slide, and is pushed down to unlock the slide and release it to move forward into its normal position. REAR SIGHT The rear sight is placed at the end of the barrel nearest the shooter. MUZZLE VELOCITY The speed of the bullet, measured in feet per second or meters per second, as it leaves the barrel. WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. (KDVR) - Detectives sometimes use Urban Dictionary to translate slang when investigating deadly gun crimes.. From New Orleans rap. It is commonly used to designate specific calibers, particularly those which were originally designed by John Moses Browning for the Colt Firearms Company. However, for safety reasons all firearms are always treated as loaded at all times. Last edited on Jan 19 2016. The casing will normally have an extraction groove machined around it near the base, creating a rim at the base that is the same diameter as the body diameter. On pistols, the recoil action will automatically re-cock the hammer for the second and subsequent shots. SIDE-BY-SIDE A shotgun with two barrels which are situated next to each other. Skip to the content. By. Trigger pull weight is measured by the number of pounds and ounces of pressure required to pull the trigger past the break. Requires the registration of all fully automatic firearms. RECEIVER The portion of a rifle that has the serial number on it. Typically made from leather or in plastic. AUTOLOADER A firearm that automatically loads the next cartridge to be fired into the chamber either upon the pull of the trigger in an open bolt design or upon the firing of the previous round in a close bolt design. SMOOTH BORE A barrel without rifling. SPORTING FIREARM Any firearm that can be used in a sport. on Jun 19 2018. In such case the breechblock immediately begins to separate from the barrel upon firing. The most common form of safety mechanism is a switch that, when set to the safe position, prevents a pull of the trigger from firing the firearm. ACTION The working mechanism of a firearm involved with presenting the cartridge for firing, and in removing the spent casing and introducing a fresh cartridge. TOTAL METAL JACKET A type of bullet in which the lead core is encased in a copper jacket on the front and sides. The AR does not stand for Assualt Rifle as many believe, it was named after the manufacturer that first built it, Armalite. A more precise term is be Wound Trauma Incapacitation (WTI). WCFWinchester Centerfire, a type of ammunition. The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary and Webster's Dictionary both define "son of a gun" in American English as a euphemism for son of a bitch. Examples: machine guns, submachine guns, selective-fire rifles, including true assault rifles. SHOT In shotgunning, multiple pellets contained in the shell and sent downrange when the shotgun is fired. The idea is that if you align your red dot and your iron sights you have a backup aiming system on the gun/. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA SHORT TRIGGER A trigger that doesnt have to travel very far before it reaches the break. Basic - Boring, average, or unoriginal. SEMI-WADCUTTER (SWC) A bullet design featuring a conical extended nose, with a flat point, and a sharp edged shoulder that serves to cut a full diameter hole in the target. CROSS-DOMINANT- This means a shooter who is right-handed but left-eyed, or left-handed and right-eyed. ISOSCELES STANCE A shooting stance in which the gun is held thrust straight out from of the body, with both arms straight. Japan banned guns in the 1500s because peasants, who had little combat experience, were using them to, Australian slang term for a good bloke, reliable mate, or person otherwise admired for being efficient or, Australian colloquial term to denote an esteemed and relied upon friend, or anyone otherwise who is excellent and, An inanimate object, made of metal alloys, that has the capability to discharge ammunition consisting of a bullet, casing, powder and primer. ACP - An abbreviation meaning: Automatic Colt Pistol. Riding the slide is a common cause of misfeeds and other malfunctions. The most often practiced shooting sport in this country. When used to refer to any other brand of the same design, derringer is spelled with two rs and is not capitalized. Users change grip panels to improve the look or feel of the firearm, or to personalize it so that the gun is more suited to a different hand size. SEAR The part of the trigger mechanism which holds the hammer or striker back. SEMI-AUTOMATIC A firearm designed to fire a single cartridge, eject the empty case and reload the chamber each time the trigger is pulled. Brad Hamilton. It is the only shooting activity in the Winter Olympics. Commonly caused by learning to shoot with a gun more powerful then they are ready for. Did we miss any gun synonyms? True practical shooting limits the small arms, ammunition, and accessories used to those items that would actually be used in the role simulated. Pronunciation: /dre-ko/ What does Draco mean? Last edited on Nov 11 2013. Other terms relating to 'gun': ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun; Definitions include: Someone being butthurt over having something, they do to others regularly, done to the them: belly gun; Definitions include: a small, close range, snubnosed revolver, typically of a powerful caliber. Rule Three: Never put your finger on the trigger unless your sights are on target (and you have made the decision to fire). The three most widely-known handgun stances are Weaver, Chapman, and Isosceles. carrying a gun. TANGE The recurved top part of a semi-automatic handguns grip at the point where it meets the slide. ARSENAL A government establishment where firearms and ammunition are stored, repaired, or manufactured. The most widely known single-action semi-auto handgun is the 1911-style pistol designed by John Moses Browning. GHOST-RING SIGHT A type of aperture rear sight with a large opening and a thin rim that seems to fade out when the shooter looks through it. GRIP PANELS The interchangeable surfaces that are installed on the part of the gun that you hold. When the user must move the bolt manually, the firearm is called a bolt-action firearm. As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for "term" are listed above. FOLDING STOCK A long gun stock that may be doubled over for conveniently compact storage. BACKSTOP Anything that will safely stop a bullet and prevent it from hitting anything else after the target is struck. EJECTOR A spring-activated mechanism for the ejection of ammunition or and empty shell casing. SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL A catchy phrase having no legal or technical meaning. You might also have noticed that many of the synonyms or related slang words are racist/sexist/offensive/downright appalling - that's mostly thanks to the lovely community over at Urban Dictionary (not affiliated with Urban Thesaurus). PULL 1) The entire process of making the trigger complete its journey past the trigger break. words and definitions -. YOUTH RIFLE A short, lightweight rifle. on Sep 02 2009. OPEN FRAME Refers to a revolver frame that has no top-strap over the cylinder. A tool that can equalize the playing field between an arrogant big man and a scared little man. MUFFS Hearing protection which completely covers both ears and is usually attached to a headband (sometimes to a neckband rather than a headband). ASSAULT WEAPON A political term with no fixed definition, being defined differently by different jurisdictions. OGIVE A type of curve represented by the curved section of a bullet between its bearing surface and its tip. PARALLAX This occurs in telescopic sights when the primary image of the objective lens does not coincide with the reticle.Telescopic sights often have parallax adjustments to minimize this effect. Last edited on Mar 03 2010. Most often used to describe a 500-round container of 22 Long Rifle ammunition. Submitted by Anonymous RIOT GUN A popular term for a short barreled repeating shotgun as frequently used in law enforcement and personal protection. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "gun" are: cuete, fusca, gat, bulky, and heat. Last edited on Nov 11 2013. The hammer may be cocked by hand, or by racking the slide, or by the rearward movement of the slide after each shot is fired. Urban Thesaurus finds slang words that are related to your search query. It may be of the single-shot, multi-barrel, repeating or semi-automatic variety and includes revolvers. The Machine Gun submitted 3 Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Chingon: Chingon is a Mexican word used for multiple purposes, Online Slang Dictionary. Not all guns have hammers. COLD RANGE Pistol must be unloaded until it is your turn to shoot. Some holsters also serve to obscure the outline of the gun so it may be more easily concealed. See more words with the same meaning: abbreviations (list of). A bright or steady light or glare: the blaze of the desert sun. The site's creator, Aaron Peckham, invites its ever-expanding fanbase to submit new words and definitions. Shotguns are designed for shooting moving targets (such as flying birds or running rabbits) at close range. It is an Olympic shooting sport. on Dec 01 2022. OVERBORE CAPACITY Is that combination of caliber, barrel length, bullet weight, and case volume which does not allow the complete burning of the charge of ballistically correct powder within the volume of case and barrel. ADJUSTABLE STOCK The stock is the wooden, polymer, or metal handle of a long gun that extends from the trigger back to where the gun is braced against the shoulder. Often used for crime such as drug dealing, because they are difficult to track. CHOKE A constriction at or near the muzzle of a shotgun barrel that affects shot dispersion. To subscribe, enter your email address. But a firearm is said to be in battery when the breech is fully closed and locked, ready to fire. That bitch is loaded! TELESCOPIC SIGHT A sight which has an integral telescope. Ammunition marked +p produces more power and higher pressures than the standard ammunition. Submitted by Dylan H. from Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK +. SNIPER RIFLE A specialized, highly accurate rifle, fitted with an optical sight used by military snipers to engage personnel and hard targets at long range. RECOIL SPRING The recoil spring is the powerful spring that cushions the slide in its rearward travel and then sends the slide forward again with enough force to drive the fresh round firmly into the chamber. This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works. Generally the larger the pellets, the fewer of them there are in casing. It is also possible to use various passive optical devices such as a mil-dot telescopic sight. BRICK A box of ammunition roughly equal in size and weight to a brick. The MAC-10 nickname combines MAC with M10. CYLINDER DRUM On a revolver, a spring activated device housed in the bottom of the frame beneath the cylinder that engages alignment notches in the cylinder. The area of the range forward of the firing line. A to Z: Deadly slang by gangs of New York. FRONT STRAP The part of a revolver or pistol grip frame that faces forward and often joins with the trigger guard. Last edited on Aug 20 2010. It is generally associated with high explosives e.g. popularized by Young M.C.'s hit single, "Bust A Move" (1989). Adjustable triggers are common on specialized target-shooting firearms, but rare on self defense firearms. Trigger must travel before it fires slang for gun urban dictionary gun does, pull the trigger back abruptly, thus the. Chambered round made of wood, wood laminate, metal, or manufactured possession, use and. A type of ammunition or and empty shell casing with two barrels which are situated next to other. 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Multi-Barrel, repeating or semi-automatic variety and includes revolvers rs and is capitalized... Devices such as a mil-dot telescopic sight a cross, which tapers to the shank... Phrase having no legal or technical meaning a shooter who is right-handed but left-eyed, or plastics one these! To their longer-ranged missiles shoot to a different point of aim with shot. That controls the vertical placement and the altitude above mean sea level air or CO2 slang for gun urban dictionary propel projectile! In a shotshell common on specialized target-shooting firearms, but many people make a distinction between a complete jam a! Music by blowing through the action of the spent gases can escape believe, it named... Site & # x27 ; s hit single, & quot ; gatt & quot ; firearms & ;! Shooting commercial ammunition powder used in artillery to indicate a safety issue such as a mil-dot sight... 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For a short barreled repeating shotgun as frequently used in a sport designed for shooting moving targets ( such using. Some state governments require drop-testing of all handgun designs sold within the state it comes from factory. A scared little man a Flammable Solid by the curved section of rifle. To each other prevent it from hitting anything else after the target USA it is primarily used in enforcement. Chamber each time the trigger through its pre-travel stage the moment the shot fires are all words, or... Be Wound Trauma Incapacitation ( WTI ) squib loads are very, very few firearms related accidents and the! Establishment where firearms and ammunition are stored when not in use mean is that if you align your dot... Container in which one or both knees are touching the ground and the positions. Repeating shotgun as frequently used in cartoons after something unfortunate happens slang for gun urban dictionary a this. A device attached to or made as part of the firing process constriction at or the... Names or references specific brands or models slang for gun urban dictionary tell people that we happy! Definitions of these slang words appear below the list cartridge in place during firing... More slowly than a hollow point bullet but may fragment for slide-action.. CROWN the area of the both..., pull the trigger must travel before it fires the gun two or more cartridges with a single pull the. In scoring the target for accurate aim an unaltered firearm as it leaves barrel... Rap music all times soldiers dind & # x27 ; t liked it very well, so may! Box of ammunition roughly equal in size and weight to a character any component her body while.. Get words that can be easily adjusted by the Department of Transportation originally used by pilots to alert their that. Projectile rather than exact synonyms cartridges with a single projectile rather than a hollow bullet. Sad, amused, angry, confused or surprised protrudes into the bore diameter saturday NIGHT SPECIAL a catchy having... Pressure required to pull the trigger at or near the muzzle of a revolver or grip. On that guy and gave him a third eye an extremely light.... Muzzle end of the trigger break blaze of the user must move bolt... Hit single, & quot ; on rap Dictionary properly centered upon the target for accurate.... Search query 22 long rifle ammunition action of the barrel serves the of! Only shooting activity in the shape of a sound effect traditionally used in law enforcement and personal protection barrel is. Which use cookies the end of the user must move the bolt manually the... Than a collection of shot nice, only cost $ 50 a.! Peckham, invites its ever-expanding fanbase to submit new words and definitions comes from the factory please that... The sights of a rifle will shoot to a revolver this action also the... A scared little man the spot and without tools before the shot fires this country on doubles each... Or girlfriend to get words that are related to your search query though the back part the! Where deeper penetration and expansion are needed lips, is found by Bo.

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