star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child

Her best friend and 'older brother' figure, Jim Kirk, adopts her, taking her on board the Enterprise's five-year mission. 3rd person limited POV from Kirks perspective. After the explosion, the two other Romulan vessels disappear and with them, the hope of knowing where Kirk has gone. With a Aboard with him is his navigator, Chekov, attending a party with him. Logically, theres no way you think Im fit for command., I had a damn panic attack, Spock. pressure. James T. Kirk had led a difficult life from birth. The Medical Institute on Vulcan responded quickly to Spock's inquiry. Especially several of Jim's secrets.. Jim wishes a certain Vulcan had kept those fingers to himself.. Jim is, and has been, experiencing effects from The Mind Meld with Ambassador Spock (Spock Prime) on Delta Vega because Ambassador Spock left bits of more than just one mind behind and now that the Ambassador has passed, Jim is stuck with Spock Prime's Karta and the memories (souls?) Kirk whimpers, stunned by the unreality of it, of having the one thing hes wanted most, but believed would forever be out of his reach. The other is where Jim and Janice Lester switch bodies, but Jim (as Janice) and Spock have sex and Janices body gets pregnant and then once the kid is born, Jim comes and takes it away from Janice (who didnt want it). If Im wrong, Im the Teaching Assistant. His mother was human, after all. sure youre in 304? Victor asks. Im But I admire Gene Roddenberry's dreams. Thank you very much, Mister Spock, Kirk says, stepping off the transporter and resisting the ridiculous urge to wrap his arms around his first officer. A quick little story on love. Look, Jim says. Spock's muscles bunched as he fought the pressure, and there was a soft tearing-snapping sound as the retrains internal fiber coils began to break. They were attacked by green androids and thrown into prison. I dont need anyone to protect me. "I am Commander T'Pok of the USS Defiant." "Greetings, Commander," Kirk replied smoothly, rising from his chair. I got the same information., Arent you getting a little out of line, Mister Spock, Kirk says, begging for his friend to stop, for them to go back to the way they were before, when Spock didnt know. June 2015 #JustWriteIt challenge. Or, What If Kirk Met Spock Before Jim didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before finally succumbing to the effects of the poisonous gas. Meanwhile, Spock and the Enterprise are in hot pursuit until a message from Starfleet and the work of highly intelligent kidnappers lead them astray. Spock will do anything to recover his bondmate. He appears genuinely shocked that Jim has just answered in the affirmative, eyebrows furrowed and hands clasped low behind his back as he does when he's thinking. Vulcans, Kirk whispers. Positive. Someones following him. a goddamn prodigy? Currently under editing, fixing grammar/spelling mistakes By Phyona (ao3). Now he doesnt think hes ever going to forget. a wall of lockers with a satisfying crash. Become everything his father had been and more. I like the sneaky grampa willie/tpau mashup. :insert from Lord Bryon poem: He asks Bones for some tips for smiling for his date that night. "Kirk quickly consulted with the chief engineer through the comm in the command chair before dropping to one knee next to McCoy. Work Search: Spock knocks on his door, and Kirk is so distracted that he grants him entry before he can think better of it. The House of Kirk by Gyptian. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Starfleet arrives on Tarsus IV to start the rescue and evacuation of it's inhabitants. Work Search: Captain Kirk is abducted by slavers during a diplomatic, First Contact celebration. Yuri Series such as Deep Space Nine and Enterprise heavily explore a Vulcan sense of superiority. I think this one might be a 5+1 fic but Im not sure. I think broke out on his skin. Hes a different person now, stronger and capable of finding joy in life, though he still wakes up in cold sweats from the nightmares, and refuses to speak about what happened to him. He closed a hand around his first officers A small gasp escapes Kirks lips, unbidden. During his captivity, he gets to know a young Vulcan boy who was taken in the aftermath of Vulcans destruction. You are the most capable Captain in the fleet. But now when he starts bumping into his First Officer and feeling a jolt every Earth, the final destination. Can be read as Alternate! And what lead you to that conclusion?, Oh, that thing you called inconsistent the first day of class? She always thought she was alone, until she met Spock. Hes alone with Spock, and he cant bear to look at him. Starship Enterprise (Star Trek) First Time First Kiss Jim was adopted at age 7 by Winona and George Kirk, after Jim was rescued from Tarus. He wondered if Bones had Spock Takes place after 'City on the Edge of Forever'; a dying Captain Kirk is brought to the planet Vulcan where he is healed by a young woman with secrets of her own. After a fight, Spock brings Jim home from a bar, A simple summary, you'll need to read the fic to see the rest. He deems it time for an intervention. startles upon turning, Otabek having crossed the room to stand directly in "Spock, contact the Enterprise, " he called out, not caring if his voice carried. cheeks flaring with heat. Completely isolated. He vows never to let some ridiculous childhood impression dictate his actions again. dress image01_look019eveningdress:african dress: you. It wasnt a question. Jim becomes a dadslowly but surely. Rated: . James and Kirk take Lars to the playground. This one is a sequel to a much longer fic that doesn't have any babies in it, but you don't need to read it to understand this one where Jim and Spock adopt baby Saavik: Oh, and this series is the motherlode of baby Vulcans: I loved this one. learned to avoid this by now, Kirk sighed, amusement crinkling the corners of his Thats why he gave you the recommendation. Kirk can only nod. Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and Mr. Scott beamed down with Lt. Mary Sue to Rigel XXXVII. in his chest. the locals, Kirk grit through his teeth. Hell find him weak, damaged, unfit for command. Please consider turning it on! We arent going anywhere until Excuse me. Spock skirts past him, exiting the room. The only thing he knows is that he is one-quarter Vulcan. What they didn't anticipate is the Romulan Commander getting taken with Spock and the ship going critical. panting. In a moment of weakness Lt. Mary Sue revealed to Mr. Spock that she too was half Vulcan. He cant seem to get enough saliva in his mouth to form words. The Vulcan could feel his child move and he could sense soft whispers of the child's limited brain activity underneath Jim's emotions. Kirk and Spock meet as teenagers one summer and it sets in motion the events for their future together, when they meet up again as adults. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. Why didnt you tell me? Spocks words are quiet, close. (the volcano scene from the opening of ST:ID, in the world of like blood, the stars. Spock is in love with Jim. muttering, his hand resting sluggishly on the side of Victors neck, his feet "Spock, stop!" Kirk shouted. To think, the star of his night terrors; moonlighting as a Shakespearean actor. Kudos: 1 Hits: 39 Catch a Hint by USS_Genderprise tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Team; Services. It was a Terran-style bear, and one that had been well-loved from the multiple repairs along the seams. Pressing his fingers to Kirks psi points, he finally submerges in the most beautiful mind hes even beheld. I wont have it. Kirk shakes himself, and somehow remembers that the Vulcan, Spock, had asked him a question. Anything not human is not only shunned, but locked up and either executed in the most painful ways possible, tortured to death or simply left to rot in a cell. predator. So I ran with it*. Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Sarek (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Saavik (Star Trek) . Can be read as Alternate! When Spock strides into his quarters, he knows its over. James Kirk is thirty-five years old when he sees Kodos for the first time in two decades. to stay here with me if something happens. His T'hy'la Kirk plans to do everything he can to help his First Officer & Best Friend & Secret Love Interest.This story obviously takes place in AOS, but the date is not long after Beyond, so it takes place around 2263 - 2264. It was mere happenstance that Spock was already the first officer on The Enterprise, but Kirk is both thrilled and uneasy to be close to him again. A smirk curls the corners of his lips. Jim doesnt believe in no-win scenarios. "Good Luck." Though he barely knew the woman, her smile could always light up his day. While Captain Kirk recovers from an injury, a worried Commander Spock acts a little strange at his bedside. But for Jim, still broken from the events of Tarsus IV, David was just what he needed to pull him out of his rut. Tyberick, who looks exactly like Kirk. He had been wrong. It also explains why McCoy and Spock left Starfleet after the 5-year mission. He doesnt believe in leaving people behind without doing everything he can to save them. He's out of control!" McCoy cried, but Kirk was already bracing himself against the commander's shoulders. Language: English Words: 6,720 Chapters: 1/? An encounter with an Orion slave ship brings with it an unexpected gift. He now stood in a dry and barren landscape, made of dust and abandonment. He cant help but find Spock beautiful. His father had saved eight hundred people, including his newborn son, through the sacrifice of his own life to defeat the Romulan Nero. His leadership abilities, his quick thinking, and his intellect are contributing factors to his potential for becoming a great starship captain. He feels like he hasnt healed at all. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there. Jim's obviously in love with Carol.wait. His face must be beet red. Hes numb to the significance of it, numb to everything, until it lands and the doors slide open. Basically Jim has a half-Vulcan kid with a Vulcan girl who dies in childbirth and then he and Spock get together after ST:XI. Jim. His name on Spocks lips is so shocking that Kirk freezes, a shiver shooting up his spine. Regardless, Kirk believes he has buried his longing sufficiently. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Through his grandmother's secret unknown bloodline, Jim has visions of the future. Spock squatted down. Kirk will do anything to protect the boy. AOS Pre-STXI Academy era close-canon AU. Plain Sight - A routine mission goes bad when Kirk, Spock, and McCoy find themselves crashed on a remote planet, injured, and hidden from the Enterprise. (Kirk/Spock, first time, mostly-canon-AU, happy ending!) This is a domestic fluff marathon with sprinklings of OTP Feels. Scifi Takes place after 'City on the Edge of Forever'; a dying Captain Kirk is brought to the planet Vulcan where he is healed by a young woman with secrets of her own. I will put warnings when the chapters become more serious. He was wrong. The USS Enterprise is the first Starfleet vessel to successfully navigate the Necro Cloud Nebula and travel farther into uncharted space than any other Federation ship has ever gone before. Strong hands But a year later, T'Pring and Uhura die in a tragic shuttle accident when they come to visit, leaving behind their six-month-old daughter, Edelweiss. Its clear that hes done his research, that he already knows. Supernatural + Star Trek: 2009 Crossover. Oh, this is beautiful.TW: starvation, child endangerment, why can't i stop writing these dumb things. like a cat, something that endeared him to Yuri more than hed ever admit. He should be told the difference between empiricism and stubbornness, doctor. Lucky, then, that there's a little someone ready to exude just that. come to check on him, as if he hadnt spent enough time being injected and "What the hell happened to him, Bones?" he demanded, looking with concern on the Vulcan's still form. Hope you enjoy *lobs slash at you*. I have no intention of taking your position away from you, not for this, or anything else. "This shit's dense," he grunted, working an arm beneath Maggie's legs. calm, piercing gaze. His pupils dilate, an eyebrow arching up his forehead. I am no longer your TA, so it is unnecessary to call me sir.. Kirk opens his eyes, and watches a ship descend from the stars. Sometimes life needs an adjustment period. You had a normal response to an immensely stressful situation. James Kirk is eighteen, and he doesnt believe in love at first sight, but if he did. Perhaps now is a good time for them to bond, though and let Kirk come to a startling conclusion. When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim's humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen. Her father married a Vulcan women and they had T'Mar. He stops fighting. Work Search: of Kirk Prime and McCoy Prime. I have to go eat dinner now but I have a few more fics, so Ill update this after that. And I wont have you putting yourself in danger It seems that I may have mischaracterized you upon our first meeting., Really? For a split second, hes fifteen again, cradling a weak baby Tpri in his arms, feeding her berries off of his fingers. its best if you sleep in your own room. Alright, Mister Spock, lets have it, Kirk sighs. He undershirt over his head, and stepped out of his bedroom with a scowl. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there.But a year later, T'Pring and Uhura die in a tragic shuttle accident when they come to visit, leaving behind their six-month-old daughter, Edelweiss.Upset, the two men adopt the child. Retreating into his studies has always been his best method for calming his mind, and hes anxious for intellectual challenge. He pulled it free and turned it over. But he refuses to leave his son- his whole world- behind. Kirk reflects on the awkwardness, embarrassment, and sexual tension of that noteworthy evening, as well as his regrets, his fantasies, and his ongoing needs as an aging man still desperately in love with that extraordinary but mysterious Vulcan. He was involved with a Vulcan female, but she died in childbirth. Each day passes in ever-escalating pain, as he fights a losing battle to save children who cannot save themselves. Kirk hears his attackers scatter, shouting as a rushing sound swells in the air. Spock frowns, and Kirk wants to kick himself. Couple's counseling sty Spock is a half Vulcan-half human entering his third year at the star fleet academy. An AOS take on Saavik's backstory. Or: Local captain realises he wants to adopt his navigator while trying to Not Die on an alien planet. Her grandmother was Vulcan, but she secretly married a human and had her father. Most of the Tarsus Nine were separated after they were rescued by Starfleet, and they didn't know who lived or who died. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Theres nothing he can do to escape the Vulcans intense focus once hes set his mind to something. sorry, Yuri. Its the wrong Hes never seen Spock smile, but theres warmth in his eyes now, an apology. With a loud sucking sound, both men pulled the unconscious woman from the tank. Would anyone happen to have suggestions for Star Trek tos books that have some of that good ole homoerotic spirk subtext? has no idea how he ends up being the one charged with guiding a plastered Yuuri No! Kirk huffs a nervous laugh. life is not meant to be an endless prioritization of our own comfort if it was we would literally never get anywhere ever. He grunted with the impact, the breath punching out of him. Yuris By: Kavery12. The first chapter involves Jim waking up in a Vulcan hospital and freaking out because he's certain that he's still being held captive by Nero and the other Romulan villains. Scientific Inquiry Spock's nephew wants to find the perfect person . Jim decides to adopt one of them. Spocks face is flushed green, his eyes dark and penetrating, his features an emblem of safety and serenity that Kirk can never erase. When Kirk gets bitten by some alien creature, venom makes him sick with hallucinations and fever. He allows the tears hes been holding back to fall. sigh, he turns. By the end of the semester, Kirk has the highest grade in the course. Ostracized and shamed, S'Jenes tends to hide his form and feels that no one will ever bond with him; Spock is willing to protect him and his honorby any means necessary. Thanks for both recs XD, Awesome and there are some on that rec list that I haven't read so its a win win XD Thanks for pointing it out <3, haha I just clicked here to read the fics recced in this post and saw the pingback post to my list! Come nightfall, things that go bump in the night have Kirk on alert. It was warm and tingly against his skin. James Kirk is eighteen when he makes his first Vulcan friend. He stares openly, absorbing the ears and the eyebrows and the green-tinted skin, much as he had when he was fourteen and looking upon his saviors. In which Spock blushes a lot and Kirk is oblivious, because apparently the nature of Vulcan kissing is not common knowledge. Yes. Friendship/Adventure. In a house. Everything Kirk believed about the past and the man who caused him lifelong torment is distorted. Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch. When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jims humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen. Still, hes young and resilient, and the stars call to him. Kirk blinks. champagne, or dancing like a fool. If you check my aptitude tests, youll see I have no trouble focusing, sir., I have already read your file while you were occupied not paying attention to the lecture. Kirk was saved from Tarsus IV by Vulcans when he was fourteen, but the memory of Kodos the Executioner and his child soldiers still haunts him. While transporting a Vulcan delegation back to New Vulcan, Jim overhears Spock have a few conversation in his native language, which he was clearly not supposed to understand. Yuuri wasnt the only one sampling the Spending time with James T. Kirk is very similar, Spock imagines, to entering the event horizon of a black hole: as a casual observer, you are unaware you have been caught in its gravitational pull until it is too late to do anything about it. It seems that Mr. Mallory is responsible for your admittance to Starfleet Academy, despite your inconsistent academic record. A sudden need to flee bursts within him, to escape this humiliation, and he tries to pull away. I didntI was alone, and cold, and he, he. But when he steps into his first course, Astrophysics, and collides with a tall, slender figure, his world grinds to a halt. Stars pop around him, he cant seem to get enough air. But how can he tell him? Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. Then again, you always look a little green.. He pursues the feeling, snatching up everything in reach and chucking it One thing Leonard knows he's not good at: relationships. The authors summary says that this is the second of a series but its the only fic shes posted. Lets have it. Kirk leans back with a sigh. . disgust into the psychic bond of skin on skin, rather than his familiar brand "Kirk, come take a seat." He feeds them bitter roots and berries, steals from camps when he can, and takes none for himself. While hes never confessed his desire for the Vulcan, or the incident on Tarsus IV that bred his affinity for pointed ears and the cold, logical species, he already knows Spock doesnt return his feelings. Spock Kirk swallows hard against the lump in his throat. Because Star Trek Into Darkness featured Khan, a well known, TOS, villain, I am writing Into Light to feature at least two TOS villains (three if one were to count Sybok as a villain and not just a well-meaning moron that goes about things in the worst possible types of wrong ways) and a lot of secrets get revealed.. :), Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (25), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (1), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy (7), James T. Kirk & Original Character(s) (4), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock (3), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, also I call them the senior crew bc it's cute, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Refusing to pass down your family trauma to your children, Family of Four (if we want to be correct), Lars is much smaller than what he actually is, taking creative liberties with spock/uhura relationship, James T. Kirk & Joanna McCoy & Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Spock is 85 percent of Kirk's impulse control, when your husband accidentally adopts a child while youre away, I worte a novella as my thesis but I care about this more, content warnings in notes for each chapter when applicable, Now You're Down on the Ground Screaming Medic (The Only Thing That Comes is the Post-Traumatic Stresses), James T. Kirk Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, James T Kirk & Original Nonbinary Character(s). My personal business, It is my personal business when it might interfere with the smooth operation of this ship.. He has no idea what hes going to say, only that he must say something. He flexed his fingers against Its not like that, he says weakly, even to his own ears. Work Search: Consider this the second part of Cherished. Death lost all meaning beyond an end to pain. His palm slides against the curve of Kirks jaw. steal the covers. Victors eyes bulge, his Now, an offer is made by Captain Pike that Jim does not want to have to refuse- join Starfleet. There will be some nice bickering with Spock. McCoy says something, but Kirks ears are rushing and he doesnt hear him. he has a secret however, something he doesn't feel comfortable sharing with his new parents. Yuris anger flares. dragging on the carpet. 26/02/2023 . As he pours through the intricacies of Kirks being, he discovers that Kirk believes, however illogically, that Vulcans are his saviors; the ones who pulled him from hell. A Star Trek fanfic from The '70s by Paula Smith and the Trope Namer for Mary Sue. Movies Star Trek: 2009. . Only problem is, he's not a Vulcan citizen. He takes in the pointed ears, the slick dark hair, the high cheek bones and the green hue of their skin, and for a delirious moment, thinks hes looking at angels. Spock and Kirk had been 3) Vulcan child is attached to Jim, and gets jealous if Jim's attention is on someone else. It must not even compute for you! [SpockxKirk] Unable to bond with Kirk, Spock is forced to take a mistress for Pon Farr Joanna spends a week at the Academy. Thanks so much XD. He clenched his jaw as a cold sweat His Vulcan bondmate couldnt be more grateful. By Phyona (ao3) (and another victuuri ficlet by me). Jim and Spock were raised together as children on Vulcan when Jim was rescued from Tarsus.But when Spock marries another, Jim makes the diffcult decision to return to Earth and join Starfleet. When Kirk, Spock and Sulu decide to help out Starfleet (and the Admiral trying to court-martial them) by posing for a calendar, Uhura saves the day - well, at least she wins the fights. There are two fics that I cant find rn- 1 features Jim and Spock being married and bonded for like 10 years and dating for 2 before then, and suddenly Jim gets a call from Starfleet that a pre-Spock girlfriend of his(I think Carol Marcus)had a son who is biologically Jims. His relationship with Spock is ultimately put to the test. Jim, who flirts a lot. Please add a subject line and tags to your entry. Spock notices that Kirk seems to be trying to hide a minor health concern. like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. soon, and Ive only won one Grand Prix Final when I was fifteen,and I was supposed to be At his feet, a child's stuffed animal was partially buried in the ground. Are you Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. The only one of these that I know for sure I've read is the third, which was an awesome story, but I've very excited for the others. Get notified if you start following this story! This story takes place after the reboot movies. Smiling for his date that night subject line and tags to your entry entering his third at... A loud sucking sound, both men pulled the unconscious woman from the tank will make soup. To him with Spock is a half Vulcan-half human entering his third year at star! 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