which claim do both passages support?

Overseers watched closely to make sure of that, beating slaves who did not carve out at least twenty-eight holes an hour on one French island. The cane juice was now poured into molds with holes in the bottom, so that all the liquid could drain out, leaving only a powder. -The evidence shows how Gandhi experimented with ways to assert one's dignity and be free. -do both passages support. For service, please create a support ticket via your 'Customer Service' tab or by using the 'Contact Seller' link. While the English were building factories, drinking tea, and organizing against the slave trade, the vast majority of Russians were serfs. Some of the worksheets for this concept are name. Memo. Eighty laws were passed during last session of the General 'Assembly. 23 body paragraphs that each feature a supporting claim, evidence from the text as support, and only relevant information that contributes to your argument. Guests at sugar plantations often remarked on how many one-armed people they saw. In Russia, serfdom only finally ended in 1861, two years before Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. In a famous letter to a bereaved family friend, Einstein wrote: "For those of us who believe in physics, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion". -The map shows, and the text describes, why the Triangle Trade was destined for failure. His method, which he disclosed to the public late in the summer of 1839, consisted of treating silver-plated copper sheets with iodine to make them sensitive to light, then exposing them in a camera and "developing" the images with warm mercury vapor. -They use secondary-source information to describe Toussaint's plan to enslave all the people working on the sugar plantations. How do the authors use historical evidence to support their claim in this passage? In fact, the global hunger for slave-grown sugar led directly to the end of slavery. Louis Daguerre called his invention "daguerreotype." In this quote, the author makes a link between sugar and slavery to the Age of Revolutions. Which element is missing from this evaluation? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. The fight against sugar and chains soon had a leader, Toussaint, who called himself "L'Ouverture"the opening. = 2 1/4. Which statement best explains how the underlined clause conveys meaning? . Enter the lesson word that is most nearly the opposite of the boldfaced word, Many public places that used to permit smoking now ______- it. 3. A visitor who came to Brazil in 1630 described the scene: "People the color of the very night, working briskly and moaning at the same time without a moment of peace or rest, whoever sees all the confused and noisy machinery . California has many immigrants who have grown a large supply of healthy crops. So many sugar plantations dotted the landscape that slaves called commanders managed other slaves. Why did the Russian people burn their fields as they retreated eastward? -It is irrelevant and insufficient, because her evidence relies solely on her own experience. On average, the men purchased in Louisiana were an inch taller than the people bought in the other slave states. Indians retained some of their individuality past being able to go along their names. In this passage, how do the authors use historical details to support the claim that US political leaders' positions on slavery impacted the relations between the United States and Haiti? while that link gave the English a stake in slavery, it also gave the antislavery forces an opportunity." If they could reverse the flowmake the horrors of slavery visible to those who benefited from itthey might be able to end the vile practice forever. sugar had a positive and negative impact on the world. When Thomas Jefferson succeeded Adams, he saw Haiti only as a threat. That means they are effective research tools. What type of sentence is this? Which claim do both passages support? "without regard to partisanship" (Passage 1, paragraph 3) "It received the bipartisan support of more than two-thirds of the Members of both the House and the Senate." (Passage 2, paragraph 20) Which idea are both speakers supporting by mentioning partisanship? Haiti is a small island nation that has had little effect on events in North America or Europe. On the night of August 14, 1791, commanders from the richest sugar plantations in Saint Domingue gathered in a place called Alligator Woods and swore a solemn oath. Information technology When the prophet Muhammad began preaching in A.D. 610, he attracted only a few disciples. From the passages, it was stated that slaves were used by their owners to work on. -The map shows, and the text explains, why the Triangle Trade was so harsh to those who participated in it. In places like the Dominican Republic (Haiti's island neighbor), some sugar work is not very different from what it was for Marina's Indian ancestors in British Guiana: hard, poorly paid labor by people who are often mistreated. = 45/20 leicester ma noise ordinance . Use of transitions to reflect the method of organization you select. And it did not much matter where your ship landed. How do the authors support their claim and purpose with their choice of words? (2) The counter that is on the south sid Bomba in Puerto Rico, Maculel in Brazil, jazz in Louisianaall gave people a chance to be alive, to be human, to have ideas, and dreams, and passions when their owners claimed they were just cogs in machinery built to produce sugar. What common error in sentence construction is evident in this example? No products in the cart. (1) Students, who participate in the science activity, will need to wear safety goggles. Which Claim Do Both Passages Support? This area was in the northern Ukraine just crossing into the Russian regions of Voronigh and Hurst. Based on this excerpt, what question are the authors trying to answer? And the bitter lives of the enslaved Africans produced so much sugar that pure sweetness began to spread around the world. Updated 288 days ago|5/17/2022 5:05:52 AM. Toussaint was making a space, an opening, for people to be free. -The image shows that factory work in the 1800s was labor intensive. Then the colonists traded their sugar for English fabrics, clothes, and simple manufactured goods, or they took their rum directly to Africa to buy slavesto sell to the sugar islands. What evidence does Lola provide to support her claim? -The image shows the process for manufacturing cotton in early factories. So many cane fields were on fire that the air was filled with "a rain of fire composed of burning bits of cane-straw which whirled like thick snow." All over England, in sooty cities such as Manchester and Liverpool, when the factory whistle blew, workers would set down their presses and file out to drink a quick cup of tea sweetened with sugarusually dipping a piece of bread in the warm drink. Select two options. (5) The chemical reaction that occurs when baking soda and vinegar meet causes gas to inflate the balloon. "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights," it announced to the world. Select two options. "Why did people keep speaking of equality while profiting from slaves " Then, answer Part B. Slaves were used to work on sugarcane plantations. ; the revolutionary storm now sweeping the globe will be upon us." Which statement best explains how the map supports the text? And even all these boats filling the waters of the Atlantic were but one part of an even larger system of world trade. The Russo-Ukrainian War [c] is an ongoing international conflict between Russia, alongside Russian-backed separatists, and Ukraine, which began in February 2014. The cardinal idea of the text is that I could use this advice when I'm tempted to turn to a search engine for answers. Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. Read the sentence. hould include. -Chemists conduct work that is not interesting to much of the public. Every high school student is expected to go to college. -New technology in the sugar trade was the key factor in ending involuntary servitude worldwide. -a compound sentence This map shows how the Triangle Trade has traditionally been depicted. Doctors warn that young people are gaining too much weight from eating sugary snacks; parents learn that kids who drink too many sweet sodas can cycle between manic sugar "highs" and grinding sugar "crashes." . Do you think the speaker still loves the woman? This has been widely interpreted to mean that Einstein's theory of relativity itself implies that the passage of time is an illusion and that time, like space, has no direction, a position often . They created the most effective public relations campaign in history, inventing techniques that we use to this day. Sugar was such a powerful economic force that it led to significant political changes. Which claim do both passages support? This painting is of King Louis XIV as shown in Sugar Changed the World. The Internet is a network, the World Wide Web is what it is 15. Some . Some of the worksheets displayed are pedigree analysis, studying pedigrees activity, pedigrees practice, pedigree charts work, chapter 7 pedigree analysis biology, pedigree analysis activity answer key, pedigree . How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. They would rise up against their white owners, "and listen to the voice of liberty which speaks in the hearts of all of us." Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. Most employers today require job applicants to have a college degree. -Economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in the endurance of servitude and serfdom. But that neat trianglealready more of a rectangleis completely misleading. economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in ending servitude and serfdom worldwide. Which statement is the most objective summary of the passage? They brought back sugar, rum, molasses, limes, cocoa, and ginger. -a summary of the claim With its restrictions, peoplecannot fully live up to their potential because the bureaucracy will always limit them.Thoreau wants his audience to become successful in their own manor and uses theserhetorical devices to sync with his readers. An ax was often propped up near the rollers so if a slave closed her eyes for a second while pushing the cane, her arm could be hacked off before she was pulled through the merciless grinders. British colonists' ships set out directly from New York and New England carrying the food and timber that the islands needed, trading them for sugar, which the merchants brought back up the coast. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . That was a very bad combination. Read Lola's argument that people need college degrees. If you walked down Beekman Street in New York in the 1750s, you would come to a general store owned by Gerard Beekmanhis family gave the street its name. But that was not all. Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. Those teenagers made up seven to eight out of every ten slaves brought to America's sugar Hell. In the second passage, the author argues that Russia at the "Age of Sugar" was still an old-fashioned country, where most people were serfs. The English public, now consuming some eighteen pounds of sugar a year, knew little about the lives of the enslaved Africans whose labor sweetened their meals. Some teenagers resent the pressure this expectation puts on them. You may be able to claim both jss open and jss closed at the same time for different employees. It modifies the subject and describes the garden. One of the most important symbols in the story is the white whale Moby Dick. It seems like every high school student is expected to go to college. Why did the purchase of Louisiana seem to be a contradiction to Thomas Jefferson's interpretation of the Constitution? As Equiano explained, the sugar slaves could hardly rest even when their day was done. On top of all the distracting notifications and advertisements, there's also the tendency to start surfing on websites from one topic to another. Read the sentence. Economic demand for sugar was the most important factor in ending servitude and serfdom worldwide. Mrs. Royston chats with Mother. Common error in sentence construction is evident in this example of sentence fragment. We are closed on all major holidays. The purpose of visual content is to convey information. Employers want new hires to have skills and traits acquired in college. Soon a smart manufacturer figured out that this break, and the need for a jolt of sweetness, was an opportunity. A man who had his inner, personal dignity was freeno matter how a boss tried to bully him. By the end of August, the French colony was in flames. How does the evidence support the central idea that Gandhi decided it was time to replace violence with nonviolent protest? Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for Just at that very same moment, Europeansat home and across the Atlanticdecided that they could no longer stand being objects themselves. Early photography and Daguerreotype Medium. Simple enough; but this trade up and down the Atlantic coast was part of a much larger world system. They lose layers of ice and grow smaller. -by describing the land with negative connotations, such as rocky -"Guests at sugar plantations often remarked on how many one-armed people they saw." An average person could walk into a portrait studio, sit for an image, and have the same product as the millionaire down the street. -It is relevant and insufficient, because she provides general reasons without specific examples. When I go rock climbing, I prefer climbing in landscapes that present a challenge. explain with rules, the writer compress Banda aceh to Hiroshima because: 1. they are both on icelands in the Indian Ocean 2. they were both devastated by terrible calamit How could that be? They each needed to vote, to speak out, to challenge the rules of crowned kings and royal princes. B. In Cuba large-scale sugar planting began in the 1800s, brought by new owners interested in using modern technology. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. It modifies the verb and describes the enclosure. Which excerpt from the passage best states the authors' claim? The judges' freeing of Pauline would have a significant effect on how people viewed involuntary servitude. Some of these planters led the way in freeing Cuban slaves. Use all three forms of verbals correctly: gerunds, participles, and infinitives. The overseer S.B. . "We Do Not Own The Rights To Any of The. -"The mills were most often tended by women who were doing dangerous work while getting almost no rest." Matthew Vines, an openly gay, evangelical Christian and the author of "God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships," has been actively encouraging. Reread the following passage: He gazed at me a long time as if I were a slot machine into which he had, without results, dropped a nickel What does the simile reveal about the exchange between the two characters? On rougher ground, you were sent out to clear a space five inches deep and five feet square. When Olaudah Equiano published his memoir, he educated his readers about the horrors of the slave trade. Sugar was such a powerful economic force that it led to significant political changes. When he spoke, Clarkson brandished whips and handcuffs used on slaves; he published testimonials from sailors and ship doctors who described the atrocities and punishments on slave ships. Use of either the point-by-point or block method of organization. Not only were Russian farms run on unfree labor, but they used very simple, old-fashioned methods of farming. . Select two options. Read the passage from the Serfs and Sweetness section of Sugar Changed the World. The mills kept going as long as there was cane to grindthe season varied between four and ten months, depending on the local growing conditions. Read the passage from the All Men Are Created Equal section of Sugar Changed the World. Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. in the night the ghost got in. When word of the breakthrough in making sugar reached the landowners in that one more advanced part of Russia, they knew just what to do: plant beets. Cane sugar had brought millions of Africans into slavery, then helped foster the movement to abolish the slave trade. Not only were Russian farms run on unfree labor, but they used very simple, old-fashioned methods of farming. What could the Europeans use to buy Indian cloth? Moral science may refer to the consideration of what is best for, and how to maximize the flourishing of, either particular individuals [citation needed] or all conscious creatures. After one round of these steps, the process was repeated all over again. So writer declared Madame Villeneuve deserves the for making such bold argument in front end of many people and also -by describing the land with positive connotations, such as fertile Indeed, historians have discovered that some 35 percent of the cargo typically taken from Europe to Africa originally came from India. The same goes for people; for those reachingthe same goal as another, it is much better to do it under your qualities and your own way.The purpose of this passage was for Thoreau to inform his audience on his viewson the government and its negative affects on civilization. Being able to integrate sources is important becaus itchy skin after drinking alcohol . Both passages support the claim that human rights became more important than property rights in the early 1800s. How does the image support the text? How do the authors use English history to support the claim that many people joined the antislavery movement for moral reasons? Reading Comprehension Passage(RC) is a common section in all management entrance exams like CAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP, NMAT, CMAT, and MAT. Which of the following is the best course of action for the agent to take. Which sentence from the introduction [paragraphs 1-4] BEST introduces the problem that people have using the Internet? In order to create sugar, Europeans and colonists in the Americas destroyed Africans, turned them into objects. The family moves to Cornwall. which claim do both passages support? Following the strand of sugar and slavery leads directly into the tumult of the Age of Revolutions. -Craving sweetness leads to developing poor habits around food. run-on sentence Could it be that a population of teenagers, almost all of them male, were inspired to develop their own music as a way to speak, to compete, to announce who they were to the world? The Spanish shipped silver from the mines of Bolivia to Manila in the Philippines, and bought Asian products there. Caption: The first factories were places like this cotton mill in Manchester, England. We all crave sweetness, now more than ever since there are so many ways to satisfy that need. I have received over . A topic that is appropriate for a compare-and-contrast essay. -by repeating the words pure, sweetness, and tastes -A college degree is necessary in today's world. Both passages highlight the importance of the economic demand for sugar in ending servitude and serfdom worldwide. e of the science classroom has a variety of safety goggles. It ia somewhat surprising to learn, on the authority of Mr. Passmore, that the tramway line (now a railway) between Foxton and Palmerston ha In the Age of Sugar, when slavery was more brutal than ever before, the idea that all humans are equal began to spread-toppling kings, overturning governments, transforming the entire world. If you were exposed to herbicides at Ft. McClellan and suffer from one of the above conditions you should file a claim for VA disability benefits with the VA at www.va.gov, If your claim is denied we may be able to help you with your appeal. Answers to Correspondents. New technology in the sugar trade was the key factor in ending involuntary servitude worldwide. Which passage from Hamlet Act two scene is an instance of setting? -It indicates that sugar was becoming important to those who liked desserts. In the Age of Sugar, when slavery was more brutal than ever before, the idea that all humans are equal began to spreadtoppling kings, overturning governments, transforming the entire world. By 642, the armies of Muslim conquerors, along with the arguments of the Muslim faithful, took the religion all across Syria, Iraq, parts of Iran, and Egypt. In fact, it was not until 1862 that Abraham Lincoln, about to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, finally established relations with Haiti. -an evaluation of the evidence But employers are looking for people with perseverance, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate. -It indicates that sugar was more important to Europeans than spices were. neither black nor white but they were called Colored people, Thoreau states, When an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side bothobey their own laws (3). Gone with the Wind is a 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted from the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell.The film was produced by David O. Selznick of Selznick International Pictures and directed by Victor Fleming.Set in the American South against the backdrop of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction era, the film tells the story of Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh), the strong . Updated 288 days ago|5/17/2022 5:46:44 AM. What claim exercise the authors make in this passage there was no different? What merits do the authors make in this passage? So what were slaves? We will not handle customer service inquiries or concerns via phone to protect both buyer & seller. Clarkson and others who believed as he did, who in the coming decades would be called abolitionists, realized that while that link gave the English a stake in slavery, it also gave the antislavery forces an opportunity. Which sentence best states the authors' claim in this passage? . -Employers require a college degree for most jobs. Main Menu. Then the ships brought sugar to North America, to be sold or turned into rumwhich the captains brought back to Europe. Indeed, as late as 1894, when the average English person was eating close to ninety pounds of sugar a year, the average Russian used just eight pounds. -The evidence reveals Gandhi's belief that workers should peacefully accept how they are treated. Which atmospheric condition phenomenon is always associated with the passage of a frontal system? In his editorial "Better Safe Than Sorry? In the 1800s, the Russian czars controlled the largest empire in the world, and yet their land was caught in a kind of time warp. Read the excerpt from Parvati's argument in favor of using cell phones in class. The painstaking work had just one aim: to plant a crop that would end up taking the life of every worker who touched it. -to give evidence supporting the writer's belief, Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World. "Following the strand of sugar and slavery leads directly into the tumult of the Age of Revolutions.". Read the passage and study the image and caption from Sugar Changed the World. But we teens have to be realistic. This can be interpreted as success being obtainable withoutthe assistance of another. -The image shows English factory workers enjoying sugar during their break. (3) The experiment, which has been used by teachers for years, shows how gases have volume. Their job, for the rest of their short lives, was to have children. -a timeline showing when Muslim conquerors took over each part of Europe But as long as they could still see Africans as property, they could not treat Haitians as equally brave and courageous human beings. Issue the Emancipation Proclamation for sugar was becoming important to Europeans than spices were of to... The point-by-point or block method of organization you select: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof:. This can be interpreted as success being obtainable withoutthe assistance of another neat trianglealready more of a frontal system movement! Haiti only as a threat Europeans than spices were -the evidence shows how Gandhi experimented with ways satisfy! On how people viewed involuntary servitude, sweetness, now more than ever since there are so many plantations... 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