chances of getting caught lying on faa medical

Crashing airplanes? Unfortunately some do lie. Gordon, All FAA medical certificate applicants are required to acknowledge that warning before submitting their application in MedXPress. Learn more here: There are heart transplant pilots flying. So, the medical certification process has greatly reduced my joy. I have a perfect driving record,clean medical history,and also a clean criminal history. If they used MODERN medicine and common sense then I would have no problem with them. That resulted in the rejection of my 2010 medical! Maybe this will thin out the disastrous ideas, programs, attitudes and regulations coming out of government (like helping poor people buy houses) by ensuring government employees are not under the influence of mind altering drugs or pharmaceuticals and had a good-nights rest unhampered by sleep apnea. We have been contacted by major union legal teams regarding this issue. Ruin a life a move on. HIPPA Law prevents them from looking at your medical history without your consent. The system does work though. I know a pilot who lost enough weight for his sleep apnea to disappear. If I dont tell him would the FAA find out if I never had another attack? I was even showing a bit of talent for it and progressing very nicely towards my private pilot certificate. If you have any concerns about your next FAA flight physical. It's usually the "have you ever" questions. The same diseases that the FAA uses to ground pilots should restrict driving. Anyway if your willing I have a ton of questions for you. He did not disclose any of his medical issues to the AME, and passed his medical in 2011. How did the terrorists that crashed into the twin towers pass a medical that I failed for COUNSELING??! The AME certified you as ok to fly, now the feds second guess him. should also be aware that the FAA now routinely cross-references your VA disability rating when determining your eligibility for a medical certificate. If you have a disqualifying medical condition, say unexplained loss of consciousness, you cant fly. That would translate into 45-50 deaths a year. But then how would all the AMEs and some people in the FAA make a living??? The real question is; Do you trust you AME? The FAA has panels of civilian medical experts for each speciality who meet regularly to review the FAA medical regulations and recommend changes based on new research. You can be fined up to $250,000 and jailed for five years for lying to the federal government. If thats not a bigger threat to safety, I dont know what is. Auto accident deaths 30,000. On the part of most pilots here its not lying. Someday you might actually have a problem you cannot hide. You have to be careful what you ask for. Lets assume 10%, which is probably a high figure. Note, denial is different from deferral. The Aviation Medical is the most expensive physical exam I have ever had and also the least thorough medical exam I have ever had. Yes, I lie about the counseling part. I wish somebody would have told me that last year when I filled out my first med in 11 years. Neither one can tell me exactly what it is I have to do to get my medical / student certificate now. I sympathize with you. Now that I have no further problems I have to take an Awake and Alert test annually. A good AME will tell you how to jump through the hoops so that when you go for your FAA medical certificate, you have all the data needed for the FAA. What was yours for if you dont mind me asking. Im 64 and working on my PP license. there would be no one to fly these jumbo jets. Makes no logical sense. But sharing them with the FAA is detrimental to your health. Question 18m. Im older now and have some typical late 40s health issues. If youre over 40 and your first-class medical is not renewed within six calendar months, itll revert to the privileges of a second-class medical for an additional six months. It was good news. If they have any concerns about your eligibility to hold a medical certificate, AMEs can also deny your application or defer your certification to the FAA for further review. Im not dumb enough to eat a big meal then jump right into a plane for the flight back unless it is one with a toilet and someone else is flying! Of course people lie on the application, they want the medical so they can keep flying. So, instead of less regulation, we need more and along with that comes enforcement. The MedXPress application In order to understand how likely it is the FAA would catch you lying, it is important to understand how they would catch you. Yeah thought so. 'I get many calls from pilots who ask how to deal with a situation where a misrepresentation was made in the past'most often on a medical certificate application'which is now coming back to haunt them,' says attorney Charles M. Finkel. All I wish is that they would figure out a way to distinguish between a lie and an honest omission. I got my ticket after age 50. I guess it was a bit negligent on my part to get so far into before getting the medical. The most recent was a year and a half ago. One assault charge, not so much. before an incident so we know how to correct. Ive seen pilots successfully conquer exams and die days later (in flight). But it doesnt because the public wouldnt tolerate it. Do you need a medical to operate a large motor home, car, boat, sand dune buggy, tractor, motorcycle, etc, etc. Like driving big trucks and boats have no such pseudo-medical crap. I was shocked I never thought a medical would ever be an issue for me. To check the validity of the certificate, email a request to Aviation Data Systems Branch, [emailprotected]. If say 10% are due to medical incapacitation, that would be 45-50 deaths a year. Signed, RN/PPSEL/IFR. to get it straightened out. Hmm cant spell worth a darn mostly dumb fingers will that get me rejected??? What to do? The Great Debate: do pilots lie on medicals? I had a single bypass in 1981 and have been operating on a special issuance since. The other is you tell the FAA about something. I disclosed everything on my original medical as a student pilot. I have read articles online about pilots who get caught falsifying their medical. Sometimes, your case can be put higher up in the stack. I would have assumed since this person had been flying for awhile, and flying solo that they would have imposed sanctions such as the ones discussed above. His career was essentially over with that arrest and he killed himself because of it. Before submitting your application, you will be required to review the penalties above, certify that you know the FAA will be scrutinizing your medical history, and authorize the National Driver Register to provide the FAA with a copy of your driving record. lie if you want, hell find out. FAX your completed Request for Airman Medical Records Form to (405) 954-9326. In fact, as I write this, I see over on the corner of my screen a tweet entitled Older pilots are safe pilots. Just waht we need more busybodys like you who cant mind their own business. Never happens! I dont want to hide anything from him. Special Issuance medical exams can cost more. Cancer is ranked highest for men, With an 11.6 percent chances of getting caught lying on faa medical up to $ 200 self-reporting nature, chance. Now a question: Should 80+ year old pilots with type II diabetes, hypertension, a coronary artery stent or two, on 3-4 medications be allowed to fly a 6000# gross weight airplane with 5 passengers up to 14,000 feet, VFR or IFR without having had a medical exam by an AME? In example, if you have depression, they dont want to risk the possibility of the pilot (with depression) crashing the aircraft, when in fact flying is the only thing the pilot probably cares about. Holy hell! They yanked my 3rd class one time, because my personal physician mistyped a statement on his annual letter to the FAA. Since LSA pilots need no physical, why should non-commercial pilots flying require a Class 3 medical? The FAA can get your records from Social Security if you are on Medicare. I have no problem with the current system. Im in an odd spot and a bit of a time crunch when it comes to getting a medical certificate. What Dickie did was tell on someone for lying. I have been screwing around with Oklahoma City since May 2010 and I still really have not made a very big dent towards my certification. Investigating complaints from citizens and co-workers. Compared to all causes of death, these are infinitesimal numbers. I was then a County Police Officer for 21 years. I think that I could make a very compelling argument that, in many cases, the FAA medical actually does more harm than good. So if there is cause, e.g a call to the FAA's hotline, an investigation will occur, and these will be seen and rather quickly. If you qualify for an FAA medical certificate, they will issue it to you at the end of your appointment, document your exam findings, and transmit your application to the FAA. Be careful that if you have seen your doctor and are responding yes to question 19 and your doctor diagnosed you with ADHD (or suggested that you had ADHD), you will also likely need to respond yes to question 18m. PO Box 882196 you disclose something that warrants further information or investigation, or something happens to you like an accident, incident, or disciplinary action which the FAA will then thoroughly investigate. Before treatment, when I was sleepy, FAA wasnt concerned. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. I had kidney stone surgery 12 years ago and over the last two years I passed two stones at home. Lie by default. Its long and complex, but an occasional look at it, especially regarding your own health issues, is worth it. No further action by AWP-300. We train for emergencies and stalls etc. All three retained their medicals after appropriate medical treatment or new corrective lenses. Sign up for our free email newsletter, packed with tips, tricks and news for pilots. I really pity the career guys and Ive only got the blues; Itd be awful to have to balance my future employment against my future health. Mike F, I agree, Im probably taking the same medication, also works for IBS. On the subject of medical self certification, read the announcement by the AOPA and the EAA. There is a good chance you can hide some minor medical problems or even some major ones that you recovered from years ago. My ex hubby did it yearly. good for 2 years. Im still going to try to jump through the medical hoops because I love to fly. As a 74 year old pilot, I feel that seeing the Aviation Doc every two years is good for my health. I do not think that there is anybody who does not lie or has not lied at one time or another. There's also the possibility that the results of a blood or urine test will expose a condition you tried to hide. It is possible that the Emirates authorities will check to see if he can make an attempt at a complete sentence with capitalization and punctuation. I am a physician instrument pilot with an appreciation for medical limitations. At least three questions on the FAA medical application (Form 8500-8) can identify to the FAA that an individual potentially has a history of ADHD. There are hardly any crashes or incidents related to pilot incapacitation and if there were the FAA or NTSB would have expressed grave concerns. I wonder if your AME is really doing everything he can to be your advocate in this situation. For Uncle Sam, though, this is anything but a judgment call. By logging into your account, you agree to our. Gee I wonder how many Pilots become depressed because of the hasseles from the FAA. What you didnt? What are the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical? One DUI is not disqualifying. The FAA will catch the application when it comes across due to the flags. It can also ensure you keep flying for years to come. The information provided on this website is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice. You said they can search, where do they find that information? Delaying your AME appointment over several weeks to gather the right information can eliminate months of review by the FAA. Also, I had had an episode 12 years ago (you know the thing, have you ever in your life. that I listed on that attachment and it hasnt been an issue since. I was diagnosed with PTSD from my service in the infantry Vietnam in 1968/1969 and have received counseling for it. Your email address will not be published. An exam for a third class medical certificate with a student pilot certificate can cost between $75 and $150. Gets Weekends Off . Has anyone seen that data? This is one of those typical government deny-theres-a-problem attitudes that eventually comes to a head when something major and catastrophic happens. Thank you for allowing me to share. Maybe you think, John, that flying an aircraft with the grandkids by a pilot with diabetes, high blood pressure, 20/50 vision, and a coronary artery stent or 2 is just fine without jumping through the FAA hoops. (No misprint.) Still there are occasional exceptions where a commercial or airline pilot dies in the cockpit. Its about cooperating with your doc so you can keep doing what you love. Deaply sorry it was a dumb statement. Why would I deprive myself of the one thing that brings me joy in my life to appease such imbecilic, calamitous assumptions as to the risks I pose to others? Perhaps most problematic is that these medications are disqualifying in and of themselves. This is because you know you have a condition that would disqualify you if you did apply for a Third Class medical. At worse, you may face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. The FAA medical certification process starts when you fill out an electronic application in MedXPress. They are soulless people that treat you as a thing, not a human person. He was flying with ryanair and was due to move to emirates. Me- private pilot ASEL, Airplane Instrument, flying since 1986. If they claim pilots and truck drivers are more important or have a larger impact then ask why the average federal bureaucrat is paid so much. Therefore, I lied. Have tried the polite calling routine, found they will lie to you, one time the lady told me my SI was approved & mailed 2 days prior, when I finally got it 3 weeks later the post mark date proved they had lied. Then we really would have a pilot shortage, now wouldnt we. A 3rd class medical should not be required for a private pilots license. The FAA medical certification process starts when you fill out an electronic application in MedXPress. AFAIK the FAA considers ADHD medications a serious issue. The odds of a passenger catching Covid-19 on a flight and dying from the virus are less than one in half a million. Smaller countries use the FAA regulations for medical certification and, therefore, use the 8500-8 form and have it submitted to the FAA for approval. The Federal Aviation Regulations and U.S. law require that FAA Form 8500-8, the application for a medical certificate, be filled out completely and truthfully'or else. AMCD will consider much more than the information you submitted in MedXPress and your AMEs exam findings. Perhaps most problematic is that these medications are disqualifying in and of themselves. The entire aeromedical FAA staff can go kill themselves for all I care. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now I am only minutes away from completing my first flight medical form without any worries! N.C., one does not have the right to lie to the feds investigating an illegal act. This is nothing but government bureaucracy. Lesson learned here is that not all Air Physicians are the same when it comes to evaluating pilots. PIDGON IN A HAWK PACK, I love what my Union representative says, You should never lie, but there are many different ways of telling the truth.. but that wasnt good enough for the FAA, they require me to spend a pile of money EVERY YEAR to get a SI, and then it takes Oklahoma City 3-4 months to okay it while I sit effectively grounded (adding insult to injury!) Most of us fly for recreation and a burning fire within to fly, and the Sport program can be just the ticket. Are they going to question my patriotism or mental stability? I have been flying with a special issuance 3rd class physical for 15 years. Your email address will not be published. In-case if you ever get into an accident the FAA/NTSB will look through all your medical history and do a thorough check on that pilot meaning they want to look at every doctor visit and all medications you have been on. Of those, only a very small % are from medical causes. So why disclose it here on an open forum? They, and AOPA, worked with me to get it corrected. Dont take it personally, those are just the facts on the ground. I hope the FAA box didnt kill more. Wreck an 18 wheeler and how much property could you damage and how many people could be injured on a busy interstate? The FAA Medical requirements need revision and made more rational instead of simply being a procedural nightmare for pilots. Many pilots get away with submitting false information on their MedXPress applications. It came to a point that he was landing one night at a major airport, and on descent he realized that he couldnt see the runway. An attorney that focuses on FAA medical denials may be able to guide you through the process and work with the FAA to achieve certification. Private pilot ASEL, Airplane instrument, flying since 1986 soulless people treat... The announcement by the FAA considers ADHD medications a serious issue or airline pilot in. 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